Contradictions In The Vedas
- Contradictions In The Vedas
- 1. What did the Ashvins Draw From the Hoof?
- 2. Who Raised up the Cloud and Showered it?
- 3. Who Healed the Blind & Crippled Rishi Paravrik?
- 4. Who Bestowed Immortality on Gods?
- 5. The Sun Travels by Mares or Horses?
- 6. Who was the First to Give Soma to Indra?
- 7. Whom did Indra Kill After Drinking the Soma?
- 8. For Whom was Soma Brought Down?
- 9. How Many Castles of Sambara did Indra Destroy?
- 10. Who is the Creator of Heaven and Earth?
- 11. How was the Sun Created?
- 12. Who Placed the Sun in the Heaven/Sky?
- 13. How was the Universe Created?
- 14. Did God Create the Universe and its Beings?
- 15. The Creation Paradox
- 16. How did the Gods Come into Existence?
- 17. Who is the Father of Gods?
- 18. How Many Gods are There?
- 19. Who is the King of Gods and the World/Universe?
- 20. Who Fashioned the Thunderbolt of Indra?
- 21. What is the Complexion of Rudra?
- 22. How Many Maruts are There?
- 23. Usha’s Chariot is Drawn by Whom?
- 24. Was Indra Born Without an Enemy?
- 25. What is the Colour of Soma?
- 26. Who Killed Vritra?
- 27. Who Severed the Limbs of Vritra?
- 28. Where did Indra Strike Vritra to Kill him?
- 29. Did the Maruts Stand With Indra in his Fight, or did They Flee Away?
- 30. Who Destroyed Sambara’s Castles?
- 31. Who Killed Vala?
- 32. What Draws the Chariot of the Ashvins?
- 33. Did Indra Fight Sushna for Kutsa or With Kutsa?
- 34. To how Many Pillars was Shunashepa Tied and to Whom did he Pray?
- 35. Who was/were the Husband(s) of Saraswati?
- 36. Who Were the Husband(s) of Surya, the Daughter of Sun Savitar?
- 37. Who Were the Parents of the Maruts?
- 38. Who Were the Parents of the Ashvins?
- 39. Who Were the Parents of Indra?
- 40. Who Created Agni, or who Were the Parents of Agni?
- 41. Who is the Father of the Maruts?
- 42. Who Were the Parents of Vayu?
- 43. Who Were the Parents of Yama and Yami?
- 44. How Many Soldiers of the Asura Krishna did Indra Kill?
- 45. Who has Tasted Soma on Earth?
- 46. Where do the Maruts Dwell?
- 47. Agni is Regarded as Having Taken how Many Births?
- 48. How Many Adityas are There?
- 49. Who is the Mother of the Adityas?
- 50. Who is the Father of Madhukasa?
- 51. Does Usha Wake the Ashvins, or is Usha Born After Their Car is Yoked?
- 52. Who Awakens Whom?
- 53. Who Generated Dawn, or who Discovered it?
- 54. Indra’s Thunderbolt was Made of Which Metal?
- 55. Indra’s Thunderbolt is of how Many Edges?
- 56. Who is Matarisvan?
- 57. Who is the Messenger of Visvasvat?
- 58. Is Indra the Strongest/Greatest?
- 59. How Many Heads Does Agni Have?
- 60. Agni has how Many Tongues?
- 61. Agni’s Teeth are?
- 62. Agni has how Many Eyes?
- 63. Does Agni Grow old?
- 64. Who is the Husband of Aditi?
- 65. Who Were the Parents of Ribhus? And Their Relationship With Indra?
- 66. Who Placed Agni for Men to Worship? Who Started the Fire Worship?
- 67. How Many Dasyus did Indra Kill to Protect Rishi Dabhiti?
- 68. How did Tvashtar React When Ribhus Multiplied the Cups?
- 69. How Many Gandharvas are There?
- 70. Who Stole the Cattle of Pani?
- 71. Who Found the Treasure/Cows of Panis?
- 73. Who is the Messenger of Yama?
- 74. Who Sustains/Supports Earth and Heaven?
- 75. How did Indra Kill Arbuda?
- 76. Relationship Between Usha and Surya?
- 77. Colour and Number of Agni’s Horses?
- 78. Did Indra Kill Pipru WITH Rijisvan or FOR Rijisvan?
- 79. How Many Vritras did Indra Kill?
- 80. Visvadeva was a Child of how Many Mothers?
- 81. How Many Spokes are There in the Wheel of the Sun?
- 82. Are Maruts the Same as Rudras, or are They Different Entities?
- 83. How Many Rudras are There?
- 84. Who was the First one to Drink Soma?
- 85. Who was the First Born?
- 86. Who Killed Sambara?
- 87. Who Prepared the Path for the Sun to Travel?
- 88. What was the Relationship Between Kutsa and Indra?
- 89. Who was the First Sacrificer?
- 90. What is the Weapon of Rudra?
- 91. How Many Horses Draw the Chariot of the Sun?
- 92. In Whose Chariot and With Whose Horses Does Indra Travel?
- 93. Where was Soma?
- 94. How Many Earths are Equal in Greatness to Indra?
- 95. How Many Soldiers of Varchin Were Slain, and who Killed Them?
This article delves into the contradictions found within the Vedas, specifically focusing on the Rig Veda. Contradictions within religious scriptures raise questions about their divine origin, as a deity is not expected to err. Alternatively, these contradictions might be indicative of interpolations that have occurred over time, leading to divergent perspectives within the scripture.
1. What did the Ashvins Draw From the Hoof?
📌100 Jars of Sura (wine)
📚Rig Veda 1.116.7📚
“O Heroes, ye gave wisdom to Kakṣīvān who sprang from Pajra’s line, who sang your praises. Ye poured forth from the hoof of your strong charger a hundred jars of wine as from a strainer.”
📚Rig Veda 1.117.6📚
“Kakṣīvān, Pajra’s son, must laud that exploit of yours, Nāsatyas, Heroes, ye who wander! When from the hoof of your strong horse ye showered a hundred jars of honey for the people.”
Madhu, in this context, refers to honey rather than wine. This distinction is evident as the term Sura, which signifies sweet wine, is not mentioned alongside Madhu. The explicit mention of Ashwins (Nasatyas) drawing 100 jars of Madhu further confirms its association with honey.
2. Who Raised up the Cloud and Showered it?
📚Rig Veda 1.85.10-11📚
“They with their vigorous strength pushed the well up on high, and clove the cloud in twain though it was passing strong. The Maruts, bounteous Givers, sending forth their voice, in the wild joy of Soma wrought their glorious deeds. They drave the cloud transverse directed hitherward, and poured the fountain forth for thirsting Gotama…”
📚Rig Veda 1.116.9📚
“Ye lifted up the well, O ye Nasatyas, and set the base on high to open downward. Streams flowed for folk of Gotama who thirsted, like rain to bring forth thousandfold abundance.”
3. Who Healed the Blind & Crippled Rishi Paravrik?
📚Rig Veda 1.112.8📚
“Mighty Ones, with what powers ye gave Parāvṛj aid what time ye made the blind and lame to see and walk…”
📚Rig Veda 2.15.7📚
“Conscious of the disappearance of the damsels, the (Rishi) Parivrij, becoming manifest, stood up; the lame man overtook (them), the blind man beheld (them): in the exhilaration of the Soma, Indra has done these (deeds).”
📚Rig Veda 10.25.11📚
“This to the sage who offers gifts brings power that comes from wealth in kine. This, better than the seven, hath-at your glad carouse-furthered the blind, the cripple. Thou art waxing great.”
4. Who Bestowed Immortality on Gods?
📚Atharva Veda 13.1.7📚
“Rohita firmly stablished Earth and Heaven: by him was ether fixt by him the welkin. He measured out mid air and all the regions: by him the Gods found life that lasts for ever.”
📚Rig Veda 4.54.2📚; 📚Yajur Veda 33.54📚
“For thou at first producest for the holy Gods the noblest of all portions, immortality: Thereafter as a gift to men, O Savitar, thou openest existence, life succeeding life.”
📚Rig Veda 6.7.4📚
“To thee, Immortal! when to life thou springest, all the Gods sing for joy as to their infant. They by thy mental powers were made immortal, Vaiśvānara, when thou shonest from thy Parents.”
📚Atharva Veda 4.23.6📚
“Through whom the Gods discovered life eternal…”
📚Yajur Veda 32.10📚
“He is our kin, our Father and Begetter: he knows all beings and all Ordinances, In whom the Gods obtaining life eternal have risen upward to the third high station.”
📌By drinking Soma
📚Rig Veda 9.106.8📚
“Thy drops that swim in water have exalted Indra to delight: The Gods have drunk thee up for immortality.”
📌Kushtha plant regarded as immortal
📚Atharva Veda 6.95.2📚
“There moved through heaven a golden ship, a ship with cordage wrought of gold. There Gods obtained the Kushtha plant, the flower of immortality.”
5. The Sun Travels by Mares or Horses?
📚Rig Veda 1.50.9📚
“The Sun has yoked the seven mares that safely draw his chariot…”
📚Rig Veda 5.45.9📚
“Borne by his Coursers Seven may Sūrya visit the field that spreadeth wide for his long journey…”
6. Who was the First to Give Soma to Indra?
📌Aditi & Kashyapa
📚Rig Veda 3.48.2📚
“On the day on which thou wast born, thou didst drink at will the mountain-abiding nectar of this Soma plant, for thy youthful parent mother (Aditi), in the dwelling of thy great sire (Kasyapa), gave it to thee before she gave the breast.”
📚Rig Veda 7.98.3📚
“As soon as born, Indra, thou hast drunk the Soma for thine invigoration: thy mother (Aditi) proclaimed thy greatness…”
📌Falcon Suparna
📚Rig Veda 3.43.7📚
“Drink of the strong pressed out by strong ones, Indra, that which the Falcon brought thee when thou longest…”
As per the story, Soma was inaccessible to the gods until the falcon Suparna became the pioneer in delivering Soma to the Vedic deities.
7. Whom did Indra Kill After Drinking the Soma?
📌Indra killed Vritra
📚Rig Veda 1.80.2📚
“That exceedingly exhilarating Soma juice, which was brought by the hawk, (from heaven), when poured forth, has exhilarated thee, so that, in thy vigour, thunderer, thou hast struck Vritra from the sky, manifesting thine own sovereignty.”
📌Indra killed Namuchi
📚Rig Veda 6.20.6📚
“And the hawk bore to Indra the exhilarating Soma, when, bruising the head of the oppressor Namuchi…”
8. For Whom was Soma Brought Down?
📌Verses suggesting that the Soma was brought for Indra
📚Rig Veda 6.20.6📚
“And the hawk bore to Indra the exhilarating Soma, when, bruising the head of the oppressor Namuchi…”
📚Rig Veda 3.43.7📚
“Drink of the strong pressed out by strong ones, Indra, that which the Falcon brought thee when thou longest…”
📌Brought for Humans to perform sacrifices
📚Rig Veda 4.26.4📚
“May this bird, Maruts, be pre-eminent over (other) hawks, since with a wheelless car the swift-winged bore the Soma, accepted by the gods, to Manu.”
In the aforementioned verse, humans are referred to as Manu. The subsequent verse indicates that the Vedic deity Agni issued a command to the eagle, instructing it to procure the Soma, which implies that it was obtained for the Aryans’ ritualistic offerings,
📚Rig Veda 10.11.4📚
“The hawk sent (by Agni) to the sacrifice has brought the dripping copious all-seeing (Soma) libation. When the Arya people chose the victorious Agni as the ministrant priest, then the sacred rite is celebrated.”
9. How Many Castles of Sambara did Indra Destroy?
📌100 Castles/Cities
📚Rig Veda 2.14.6📚
“Ye ministers, to him who as with thunder demolished Śambara’s hundred ancient castles…”
📚Rig Veda 6.31.4📚
“Thou smotest to the ground the hundred castles, impregnable, of Sambara the Dasyu…”
📌90 Castles/Cities
📚Rig Veda 1.130.7📚
“For Pūru thou hast shattered, Indra ninety forts, for Divodāsa thy boon servant with thy bolt, O Dancer, for thy worshipper. For Atithigva he, the Strong, brought Śambara from the mountain down…”
📌99 Castles/Cities
📚Rig Veda 2.19.6📚
“…And Indra, for the sake of Divodasa demolished Sambara’s nine-and-ninety castles.”
10. Who is the Creator of Heaven and Earth?
📌Unsure about creator
📚Rig Veda 10.129.6-7📚 ”Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? The Gods are later than this world’s production. Who knows then whence it first came into being? He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.”
📚Rig Veda 1.185.1📚
“Which of these two, (Heaven and Earth), is prior, which posterior; how were they engendered; (declare), sages, who knows this? verily, you uphold the universe of itself, and the days (and nights) revolve as if they had wheels.”
📌Unknown/Supreme God
📚Rig Veda 1.160.4📚
“Among the skilful Gods most skilled is he, who made the two world-halves which bring prosperity to all; Who with great wisdom measured both the regions out, and stablished them with pillars that shall ne’er decay.”
📚Rig Veda 8.36.4📚
“Creator of the heaven, creator of the earth, O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.”
📚Yajur Veda 31.13📚
“Forth from his navel came mid-air; the sky was fashioned from his head; Earth from his feet…”
📚Rig Veda 10.82.1📚
“The Father of the eye, the Wise in spirit, created both these worlds submerged in fatness. Then when the eastern ends were firmly fastened, the heavens and the earth were far extended.”
📚Atharva Veda 9.5.20📚
“This Unborn cleft apart in the beginning: his breast became the earth, his back was heaven…”
📚Rig Veda 10.90.3📚
“…He formed in order Heaven and Earth, the regions of the air, and light.”
📚Rig Veda 10.81.2📚
“…Whence Visvakarman, seeing all, producing the earth, with mighty power disclosed the heavens.”
📚Rig Veda 10.110.9📚
“Hotar more skilled in sacrifice, bring hither with speed to-day God Tvaṣṭar, thou who knowest. Even him who formed these two, the Earth and Heaven the Parents, with their forms, and every creature.”
📚Rig Veda 4.34.9📚
“Ṛbhus, who helped their Parents and the Aśvins, who formed the Milch-cow and the pair of horses, Made armour, set the heaven and earth asunder,—far- reaching Heroes, they have made good offspring.”
📚Rig Veda 10.121.9📚
“Neer may he harm us who is earth’s Begetter, nor he whose laws are sure, the heavens’ Creator, He who brought forth the great and lucid waters. What God shall we adore with our oblation?”
11. How was the Sun Created?
📌From the breath of God
📚Atharva Veda 19.27.7📚
“With vital breath the Gods produced the Sun whose face turn every way.”
📌From the eye of Brahma
📚Yajur Veda 31.12📚
“The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth…”
📌From Vritra
📚Atharva Veda 4.10.5📚
“From ocean sprang the Amulet, from Vritra sprang the Lord of Day…”
📌Indra generated the Sun
📚Rig Veda 2.12.7📚
“…He who gave being to the Sun and Morning, who leads the waters, He, O men, is Indra.”
📌Soma created the Sun
📚Rig Veda 9.96.5📚
“Father of holy hymns, Soma flows onward the Father of the earth, Father of heaven: Father of Agni, Sūrya’s generator, the Father who begat Indra and Viṣṇu.”
📚Rig Veda 9.42.1📚
“Engendering the Sun in floods, engendering heaven’s lights, green-hued, Robed in the waters and the milk.”
📚Rig Veda 10.190.3📚
“Dhātar, the great Creator, then formed in due order Sun and Moon…”
12. Who Placed the Sun in the Heaven/Sky?
📚Rig Veda 10.156.4📚
“O Agni, thou hast made the Sun, Eternal Star, to mount the sky, Bestowing light on living men.”
📚Rig Veda 8.12.30📚
“When yonder Sun, that brilliant light, thou settest in the heaven above…”
📚Atharva Veda 20.38.6📚
“Indra hath raised the Sun aloft in heaven that he may see afar…”
📌Indra & Vishnu
📚Rig Veda 7.99.4📚
“…Ye have made spacious room for sacrificing by generating Sūrya, Dawn, and Agni.”
📚Rig Veda 10.62.2-3📚
“…O ye Aṅgirases. Welcome the son of Manu, ye who are most wise. Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law…”
📚Atharva Veda 13.2.12📚
“Atri established thee in heaven. O Surya…”
📚Yajur Veda 4.31📚
“…Sûrya in heaven and Soma on the mountain.”
📚Rig Veda 9.107.7📚
“Bountiful, best of furtherers, Soma floweth on, Ṛṣi and Singer, keen of sight. Thou hast become a Sage most welcome to the Gods: thou madest Sūrya mount to heaven.”
13. How was the Universe Created?
📌Nasadiya Sukta Version
📚Rig Veda 10.72.1-4📚 Let us proclaim with a clear voice the generations of the gods (the divine company), who, when their praises are recited, look (favourably on the worshipper) in this latter age. Brahmanaspati filled these (generations of the gods) with breath as a blacksmith (his bellows) in the first age of the gods the existent was born of the non-existent. In the first age of the gods the existent was born of the non-existent; after that the quarters (of the horizon) were born, and after them the upward-growing (trees). The earth was born from the upward-growing (tree), the quarters were born from the earth; Daksha was born from Aditi, and afterwards Aditi from Daksha.”
📌Purusha Sukta Version
📚Rig Veda 10.90.8-14📚
“From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up…He formed the creatures of-the air, and animals both wild and tame. From it were horses born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth: From it were generated kine, from it the goats and sheep were born…The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth; Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vāyu from his breath. Forth from his navel came mid-air the sky was fashioned from his head Earth from his feet, and from his car the regions. Thus they formed the worlds.”
14. Did God Create the Universe and its Beings?
📌Yes, God(s) created the universe
📚Rig Veda 10.72.1-9📚 ”Let us with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods, That one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age…She brought Martanda thitherward to spring to life and die again.”
📚Rig Veda 10.90.📚 ”A thousand heads hath Puruṣa, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet. On every side pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide. This Puruṣa is all that yet hath been and all that is to be; the Lord of Immortality which waxes greater still by food. So mighty is his greatness; yea, greater than this is Puruṣa…Gods of old, are dwelling.”
📌No, God(s) did not create the universe
📚Rig Veda 10.129.6-7📚 ”Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? The Gods are later than this world’s production. Who knows then whence it first came into being? He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.”
📚Rig Veda 1.185.1📚
“Which of these two, (Heaven and Earth), is prior, which posterior; how were they engendered; (declare), sages, who knows this? verily, you uphold the universe of itself, and the days (and nights) revolve as if they had wheels.”
15. The Creation Paradox
📌Earth and Heaven were created by God(s)
📚Rig Veda 4.34.9📚
“Ṛbhus, who helped their Parents and the Ashvins, who formed the Milch-cow and the pair of horses, Made armour, set the heaven and Earth asunder,—far- reaching Heroes, they have made good offspring.”
One notable discrepancy lies in the claim that the Ribhus, who are described as mortals in the Vedas and achieved divinity through their deeds (📚Rig Veda 4.35.8📚 [source]), were the creators of both the earth and heaven. This contradiction raises questions about their role in the creation of these entities. Furthermore, there appears to be confusion within the Vedas regarding the sequence of creation, specifically whether the earth or heaven was formed first. This inconsistency adds to the complexity surrounding the origins of these fundamental elements.
📚Rig Veda 1.185.1📚
“Which of these two, (Heaven and Earth), is prior, which posterior; how were they engendered; (declare), sages, who knows this? verily, you uphold the universe of itself, and the days (and nights) revovle as if they had wheels.”
Creation of Earth and Heaven is ascribed to various deities such as to Soma & Pushan (📚Rig Veda 2.40.1📚 ); Dhatr (📚Rig Veda 10.190.3📚 ); Hiranyagarbha (📚Rig Veda 10.121.9📚 ); Purusha (📚Rig Veda 10.90.14📚 )
📌Earth and Heaven are the creator of Gods
📚Rig Veda 1.159.1📚
“I PRAISE with sacrifices mighty Heaven and Earth at festivals, the wise, the Strengtheners of Law. Who, having Gods for progeny, conjoined with Gods, through wonder-working wisdom bring forth choicest boons.”
16. How did the Gods Come into Existence?
📌From Non-Existence
📚Atharva Veda 10.7.25📚
“Great, verily, are those Gods who sprang from non-existence into life. Further, men say that that one part of Skambha is nonentity.”
📌Gods came after the creation
📚Rig Veda 10.129.6📚
“Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? The Gods are later than this world’s production. Who knows then whence it first came into being?”
📌Usha (Dawn) is mother of gods
📚Rig Veda 1.113.19📚
“Mother of Gods, Aditi’s form of glory, ensign of sacrifice, shine forth exalted…”
17. Who is the Father of Gods?
📚Rig Veda 2.26.3📚
“Who with oblation and a true believing heart serves Brahmaṇaspati the Father of the Gods…”
📚Rig Veda 9.87.2📚
“Indu, the well-armed God, is flowing onward, who quells the curse and guards from treacherous onslaught, Father, begetter of the Gods, most skilful, the buttress of the heavens and earth’s supporter.”
📚Atharva Veda 9.10.12📚
“Dyaus is our father, our begetter: kinship is here. This great Earth is our kin and mother.Between the wide-spread world-halves is the birth-place. The Father laid the Daughter’s germ within it.”
18. How Many Gods are There?
📌33 Deities
📚Rig Veda 1.45.2📚
“Agni, the Gods who understand give ear unto the worshipper: Lord of Red Steeds, who lovest song, bring thou those Three-and-Thirty Gods.”
📚Yajur Veda 7.19📚
“O ye eleven Gods whose home is heaven, O ye eleven who make earth your dwelling. Ye who with might, eleven, live in waters, accept this sacrifice, Ye Gods, with pleasure.”
📌34 Deities
📚Rig Veda 10.55.3📚
“…the classes of seven in their seasons, with the thirty-four (deities,) (endowed) with light of like nature, and with various functions.”
📌339 Deities
📚Rig Veda 10.52.6📚
“The Deities three hundred and thirty-nine, have served and honoured Agni…”
📌3339 Deities
📚Rig Veda 3.9.9📚
“Three times a hundred Gods and thrice a thousand, and three times ten and nine have worshipped Agni…”
19. Who is the King of Gods and the World/Universe?
📚Rig Veda 5.85.3📚
“Varuṇa lets the big cask, opening downward, flow through the heaven and earth and air’s mid-region. Therewith the universe’s Sovran waters earth as the shower of rain bedews the barley.”
📚Rig Veda 2.27.10📚
“Thou over all, O Varuṇa, art Sovran, be they Gods, Asura! or be they mortals…”
📚Atharva Veda 1.10.1📚
“This Lord is the Gods’ ruler…”
📌Indra alone is the King
📚Rig Veda 3.46.2📚
“…Thyself alone the universe’s Sovran: so send forth men to combat and to rest them.”
📚Rig Veda 1.174.1📚
“Thou art the King of all the Gods, O Indra: protect the men…”
20. Who Fashioned the Thunderbolt of Indra?
📚Rig Veda 10.48.3📚
“For me hath Tvaṣṭar forged the iron thunderbolt…”
📚Rig Veda 1.32.2📚
“He slew the Dragon lying on the mountain: his heavenly bolt of thunder Tvaṣṭar fashioned…”
📌Kavya Usana
📚Rig Veda 1.121.12📚
“Mount Indra, lover of the men thou guardest, the well-yoked horses of the wind, best bearers. The bolt which Kāvya Uśanā erst gave thee, strong, gladdening, Vṛtra-slaying, hath he fashioned.”
📌Indra himself
📚Rig Veda 1.121.3📚
“Lord of red dawns, he came victorious, daily to the Aṅgirases’ former invocation. His bolt and team hath he prepared, and stablished the heaven for quadrupeds and men two-footed.”
21. What is the Complexion of Rudra?
📌Brown/Tawny (Babhru)
📚Rig Veda 2.33.5📚
“May I with praise-songs win that Rudra’s favour who is adored with gifts and invocations. Ne’er may the tawny God, fair-checked, and gracious, swifthearing, yield us to this evil purpose. ”
📌Red with dark blue belly
📚Yajur Veda 16.7📚
“May he who glides away, whose neck is azure, and whose hue is red, He whom the herdsmen, whom the girls who carry water have beheld, may he when seen be kind to us.”
📚Atharva Veda 15.1.7📚
“His belly is dark-blue, his back is red…”
22. How Many Maruts are There?
📚Atharva Veda 13.1.3📚
“Let Rohita, ye bounteous givers, hear you, thrice-seven Maruts who delight in sweetness!”
📚Rig Veda 5.52.16-17📚
“…And the impetuous Rudra they, the Mighty Ones, declared their Sire. The mighty ones, the seven times seven, have singly given me hundred gifts…”
📌One hundred and eighty
📚Rig Veda 8.85.8📚
“Thrice-sixty Maruts, waxing strong, were with thee, like piles of beaming light, worthy of worship…”
23. Usha’s Chariot is Drawn by Whom?
📚Rig Veda 7.75.6📚
“Apparent are the steeds of varied colour, the red steeds carrying resplendent Morning…”
📚Rig Veda 1.124.11📚
“This young Maid from the east hath shone upon us; she harnesseth her team of bright red oxen. She will beam forth, the light will hasten hither, and Agni will be present in each dwelling.”
📚Rig Veda 5.80.3📚
“She, harnessing her car with purple oxen. injuring none, hath brought perpetual riches…”
📚Rig Veda 1.92.2📚
“Readily have the purple beams of light shot up; the Red Cows have they harnessed, easy to be yoked. The Dawns have brought distinct perception as before: red-hued, they have attained their fulgent brilliancy.”
24. Was Indra Born Without an Enemy?
📌Yes, he was born without an enemy
📚Rig Veda 10.133.2📚
“…Foeless, O Indra, wast thou born…”
📌He killed enemies as soon as he was born
📚Rig Veda 10.120.1📚
“…As soon as born he overcomes his foemen, be in whom all who lend him aid are joyful…”
📚Rig Veda 8.45.4📚
“The new-born Vṛtra-slayer asked his Mother, as he seized his shaft, Who are the fierce? Who are renowned?”
📚Rig Veda 8.85.16📚
“Then, at thy birth, thou wast the foeman, Indra, of those the seven who ne’er had met a rival…”
📚Rig Veda 7.20.3📚
“A warrior who turns not back in battle, a combatant, one engaged in tumults, a hero, victorious over (his) foes from birth, invincible…”
25. What is the Colour of Soma?
📚Rig Veda 9.25.1📚
“Green-hued! as one who giveth strength flow on for Gods to drink, a draught For Vāyu and the Marut host.”
📌Red (Aruna)
📚Rig Veda 10.144.5📚
“…Which, fair, unrobbed, the Falcon brought thee in his foot, the red-hued dwelling of the juice.”
📌Tawny/Golden/Greenish-Yellow (Hari)
📚Rig Veda 9.92.1📚
“THE gold-hued juice, poured out upon the filter, is started like a car sent forth to conquer…”
📌Brown (Babhru)
📚Rig Veda 9.31.5📚
“For thee, brown-hued! the kine have poured imperishable oil and milk. Aloft on the sublimest height.”
📚Rig Veda 9.63.4📚
“These Somas swift and brown of hue…”
26. Who Killed Vritra?
📌Indra alone
📚Rig Veda 1.61.10📚
“Through his own strength Indra with bolt of thunder cut piece-meal Vṛtra, drier up of waters…”
📚Rig Veda 1.165.8📚
“Vṛtra I slew by mine own strength, O Maruts, having waxed mighty in mine indignation…”
📚Rig Veda 3.30.4📚
“For, overthrowing what hath ne’er been shaken, thou goest forth alone destroying Vṛtras…”
📚Rig Veda 7.21.6📚
“…With thine own power and might thou slewest Vṛtra…”
📌All gods except Maruts ran away in Indra’s war against Vritra
📚Rig Veda 8.85.7📚
“Flying in terror from the snort of Vṛtra, all Deities who were thy friends forsook thee. So, Indra, be thy friendship with the Maruts: in all these battles thou shalt be the victor.”
📌All gods abandoned Indra who then begged for help from Vishnu
📚Rig Veda 4.18.11📚
“Then to her mighty Child the Mother turned her, saying, My son, these Deities forsake thee. Then Indra said, about to slaughter Vṛtra, O my friend Vṛtra, stride full boldly forward.”
📚Rig Veda 1.187.1📚
“Now will I glorify Food that upholds great strength, By whose invigorating power Trita rent Vṛtra limb from limb.”
📌Indra and Trita killed Vritra with help of Maruts
📚Rig Veda 8.7.24📚
“They reinforced the power and strength of Trita as he fought, and helped Indra in battle with the foe.”
📌Indra killed Vritra with the help of Maruts
📚Rig Veda 8.65.2-3📚
“This Indra with his Marut Friends clave into pieces Vṛtra’s bead With hundred-knotted thunderbolt. Indra, with Marut Friends grown strong, hath rent asunder Vṛtra…”
📌Indra killed Vritra with help of an Amulet
📚Atharva Veda 8.5.3📚
“With this same Amulet wise Indra routed the Asuras, with this he slaughtered Vritra…”
📌Maruts killed Vritra with the help of Indra
📚Rig Veda 1.23.9📚
“With conquering Indra for ally, strike Vṛtra down, ye bounteous Gods Let not the wicked master us.”
📚Rig Veda 9.37.5📚
“This Vṛtra-slaying Steer, effused, Soma room-giver, ne’er deceived, Hath gone, as ’twere, to win the spoil.”
📚Rig Veda 1.109.5📚
“You, I have heard, were mightiest, Indra-Agni, when Vṛtra fell and when the spoil was parted…”
📚Rig Veda 3.20.4📚
“Agni, like Bhaga, leads the godly people, he who is true to Law and guards the seasons. Ancient, all-knowing, he the Vṛtra-slayer shall bear the singer safe through every trouble.”
📚Rig Veda 1.59.6📚
“Now will I tell the greatness of the Hero whom Pūru’s sons follow as Vṛtra’s slayer: Agni Vaiśvānara struck down the Dasyu, cleave Śambara through and shattered down his fences.”
📚Rig Veda 6.16.48📚
“The Gods enkindle Agni, best slayer of Vṛtra, first in rank…”
📚Rig Veda 8.8.9📚 The holy singer with his hymns hath called you, Aśvins, hither-ward; Best Vṛtra-slayers, free from stain, as such bring us felicity.”
📌Indra killed Vritra with help of Vishnu
📚Rig Veda 6.20.2📚
“Even as the power of Dyaus, to thee, O Indra, all Asura sway was by the Gods entrusted, When thou, Impetuous! leagued with Viṣṇu, slewest Vṛtra the Dragon who enclosed the waters.”
📌Indra killed Vritra with help of Varuna
📚Rig Veda 6.68.3📚
“Praise those Twain Gods for powers that merit worship, Indra and Varuṇa, for bliss, the joyous. One with his might and thunderbolt slays Vṛtra; the other as a Sage stands near in troubles.”
📌Indra killed Vrtra with the help of Pusan
📚Rig Veda 6.56.2📚
“And he is best of charioteers. Indra, the hero’s Lord, allied With him as Friend, destroys the foes.”
The Sanskrit word mentioned here is ”Vritrani”, referring to Vritra.
27. Who Severed the Limbs of Vritra?
📚Rig Veda 8.6.13📚
“When his wrath thundered, when he rent Vṛtra to pieces, limb by limb, He sent the waters to the sea.”
📚Rig Veda 1.187.1📚
“Now will I glorify Food that upholds great strength, By whose invigorating power Trita rent Vṛtra limb from limb.”
28. Where did Indra Strike Vritra to Kill him?
📌Between the shoulders
📚Rig Veda 1.32.7📚
“Footless and handless still he challenged Indra, who smote him with his bolt between the shoulders. Emasculate yet claiming manly vigour, thus Vṛtra lay with scattered limbs dissevered.”
📌On Back
📚Rig Veda 1.80.5📚
“The wrathful Indra with his bolt of thunder rushing on the foe, Smote fierce on trembling Vṛtra’s back, and loosed the waters free to run, lauding his own imperial sway.”
📌On Face
📚Rig Veda 1.52.15📚
“The Maruts sang thy praise in this encounter, and in thee all the Deities delighted, What time thou, Indra, with thy spiky weapon, thy deadly bolt, smotest the face of Vṛtra.”
📌Beheaded Vritra
📚Rig Veda 8.6.6📚
“The fiercely-moving Vṛtra’s head he severed with his thunderbolt, His mighty hundred-knotted bolt.”
29. Did the Maruts Stand With Indra in his Fight, or did They Flee Away?
📌Stood by him
📚Rig Veda 3.32.4📚
“They, even the Maruts who were there, excited with song the meath-created strength of Indra. By them impelled to act he reached the vitals Of Vṛtra.”
📌Fled away
📚Rig Veda 8.7.30-31📚
“When, Maruts, ye come to him, the singer who invokes you thus, With favours to your suppliant? What now? where have ye still a friend since ye left Indra all alone? Who counteth on your friendship now?”
30. Who Destroyed Sambara’s Castles?
📌Vishnu and Indra
📚Rig Veda 7.99.5📚
“Ye have destroyed, thou, Indra, and thou Viṣṇu, Śambara’s nine-and-ninety fenced castles…”
📚Rig Veda 1.59.6📚
“Now will I tell the greatness of the Hero whom Pūru’s sons follow as Vṛtra’s slayer: Agni Vaiśvānara struck down the Dasyu, cleave Śambara through and shattered down his fences.”
📌Indra alone
📚Rig Veda 4.26.3📚
“In the wild joy of Soma I demolished Śambara’s forts, ninety-and-nine, together…
31. Who Killed Vala?
📚Rig Veda 10.67.6📚
“As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through, the guardian of the cattle…”
📚Rig Veda 2.24.3📚
“…He drave the kine forth and cleft Vala through by prayer, dispelled the darkness and displayed the light of heaven.”
📚Rig Veda 4.50.5📚
“With the loud-shouting band who sang his praises, with thunder, he destroyed obstructive Vala. Brhaspati thundering drave forth the cattle, the lowing cows who make oblations ready.”
📌Angirases killed Vala
📚Rig Veda 10.62.2📚
“The Fathers, who drave forth the wealth in cattle, have in the year’s courses cleft Vala by Eternal Law…”
📌Indra killed Vala with the help of Angirases
📚Rig Veda 2.11.20📚
“…Indra sent forth his whirling wheel like Sūrya, and aided by the Aṅgirases rent Vala.”
📌Indra killed Vala with the help of Navagvas and Dasagvas
📚Rig Veda 1.62.4📚
“…Thou hast, with speeders, with Daśagvas, Indra, Śakra, with thunder rent obstructive Vala.”
32. What Draws the Chariot of the Ashvins?
📌Ashwins’s chariot is horseless
📚Rig Veda 1.120.10📚
“I have obtained the horseless car of Aśvins rich in sacrifice…”
📚Rig Veda 4.36.1📚
“THE car that was not made for horses or for reins, three-wheeled, worthy of lauds, rolls round the firmament. That is the great announcement of your Deity, that, O ye Ṛbhus, ye sustain the earth and heaven.”
📌Drawn by a single Donkey
📚Rig Veda 1.34.9📚
“Where are the three wheels of your triple chariot, where are the three seats thereto firmly fastened? When will ye yoke the mighty ass that draws it, to bring you to our sacrifice. Nāsatyas?”
📚Rig Veda 8.74.7📚
“Yoke to the firmly jointed car the ass which draws you, Lords of wealth. To drink the savoury Soma juice.”
📌Drawn by horses
📚Rig Veda 7.69.1📚
“MAY your gold chariot, drawn by vigorous horses, come to us, blocking up the earth and heaven…”
📌Drawn by flying winged horses
📚Rig Veda 5.75.5-6📚
“Aśvins, with winged steeds ye speed down to cyavana void of guile. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call. Hither, O Heroes, let your steeds, of dappled hue, yoked at the thought, Your flying steeds, O Aśvins, bring you hitherward, with bliss, to drink…”
📌Drawn by Falcons
📚Rig Veda 1.118.4📚
“O Aśvins, let your falcons bear you hither, yoked to your chariot, swift, with flying pinions…”
33. Did Indra Fight Sushna for Kutsa or With Kutsa?
📌With Kutsa
📚Rig Veda 6.31.3📚
“You, Indra, with Kutsa, has warred against the inexhaustible Sushna…”
📌Fought alone for Kutsa
📚Rig Veda 1.175.4📚
“Sage Indra, who art he lord, thou has carried off by thy strength one wheel of (the chariot of) the sun. Take up thy bolt for the death of Sushna, and proceed with thy horses, swift as the wind, to Kutsa.”
34. To how Many Pillars was Shunashepa Tied and to Whom did he Pray?
📌Prayed to Agni and was tied to Thousand Pillars
📚Rig Veda 5.2.7📚
“Thou from the stake didst loose e’en Śunaḥśepa bound for a thousand; for he prayed with fervour. So, Agni, loose from us the bonds that bind us…”
The Sanskrit term mentioned here, “Sahasradyupada,” translates to “thousand pillars” (Sahasra referring to a thousand and Yupa meaning pillars).
📌Prayed to Varuna and was tied to Three Pillars
📚Rig Veda 1.24.13📚
“Bound to three pillars captured Śunaḥśepa thus to the Āditya made his supplication. Him may the Sovran Varuṇa deliver, wise, ne’er deceived, loosen the bonds that bind him.”
Aditya, in this context, refers to Varuna, who is one of the prominent Adityas.
35. Who was/were the Husband(s) of Saraswati?
📌Ashwin Brothers
📚Yajur Veda 19.94📚
“Sarasvati, as Consort of the Asvins, bears in her womb the nobly-fashioned Infant…”
📚Rig Veda 6.49.7📚 ”So may Sarasvatī, the Hero’s Consort, brisk with rare life, the lightning’s Child, inspire us, And, with the Dames accordant, give the singer a refuge unassailable and flawless.”
📚Rig Veda 5.42.12📚 ”May the House-friends, the cunning-handed Artists, may the Steer’s Wives, the streams carved out by Vibhvan, And may the fair Ones honour and befriend us, Sarasvatī, Brhaddiva, and Rākā.”
36. Who Were the Husband(s) of Surya, the Daughter of Sun Savitar?
📌Ashwin brothers
📚Rig Veda 4.43.6📚
“…Observed of all was that your rapid going, whereby ye were the Lords of Sūrya’s Daughter.”
📚Rig Veda 1.119.5📚
“Aśvins, the car which you had yoked for glorious show your own two voices urged directed to its goal. Then she who came for friendship, Maid of noble birth, elected you as Husbands, you to be her Lords.”
📚Rig Veda 6.58.4📚
“Near kinsman of the heaven and earth is Pūṣan, liberal, Lord of food, of wondrous lustre, Whom strong and vigorous and swiftly moving, subdued by love, the Deities gave to Sūrya.”
In Rig Veda 6.55.4-5 Surya is both sister and mother of Pushan who also had illicit relationship with her.
📚Rig Veda 10.85.7-10📚
“…Her treasury was earth and heaven ẉhen Sūrya went unto her Lord…Soma was he who wooed the maid: the groomsmen were both Aśvins, when The Sun-God Savitar bestowed his willing Sūrya on her Lord…Bright were both Steers that drew it when Sūrya approached her husband’s, home.”
37. Who Were the Parents of the Maruts?
📌Maruts are self-born
📚Rig Veda 1.168.2📚
“Surrounding, as it were, self-born, self-powerful, they spring to life the shakers-down of food and light…”
📚Rig Veda 1.114.6📚
“To him the Maruts’ Father is this hymn addressed, to strengthen Rudra’s might…”
📚Rig Veda 2.33.1📚
“Father of Maruts, let thy bliss approach us: exclude us not from looking on the sunlight. Gracious to our fleet courser be the Hero may we transplant us, Rudra, in our children.”
📌Sacrificing through Agni gendered the Maruts
📚Rig Veda 1.31.1📚
“Thou, Agni, wast the earliest Aṅgiras, a Seer; thou wast, a God thyself, the Gods’ auspicious Friend. After thy holy ordinance the Maruts, sage, active through wisdom, with their glittering spears, were born.”
📌Vayu from womb of heaven
📚Rig Veda 1.134.4📚
“…The Marut host hast thou engendered from the womb, the Maruts from the womb of heaven.”
📚Rig Veda 10.77.2📚
“The youths have wrought their ornaments for glory through many nights,—this noble band of Maruts. Like stags the Sons of Dyatis have striven onward…”
📌Prisni is mother
📚Rig Veda 2.34.2📚
“…Since the strong Rudra, O Maruts with brilliant chests, sprang into life for you in Pṛśni’s radiant lap.”
📚Rig Veda 6.66.3📚
“They who are Sons of the rain-pouring Rudra, whom the long-lasting One had power to foster: The Mighty Ones whose germ great Mother Pṛśni is known to have received for man’s advantage.”
📌Ocean is their Mother
📚Rig Veda 10.78.6📚
“Born from the stream…”
38. Who Were the Parents of the Ashvins?
📌Vivasvan and Saranyu
📚Rig Veda 10.17.2📚
“From mortal men they hid the Immortal Lady, made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān. Saranyu brought to him the Aśvin brothers, and then deserted both twinned pairs of children.”
📌Dyaus (Heaven)
📚Rig Veda 1.181.4📚
“Here sprung to life, they both have sung together, with bodies free from stain, with signs that mark them; One of you Prince of Sacrifice, the Victor, the other counts as Heaven’s auspicious offspring.”
39. Who Were the Parents of Indra?
📌Kashyap & Aditi
📚Rig Veda 3.48.2📚
“On the day on which thou wast born, thou didst drink at will the mountain-abiding nectar of this Soma plant, for thy youthful parent mother (Aditi), in the dwelling of thy great sire (Kasyapa), gave it to thee before she gave the breast.”
📌Dyaus is the father
📚Rig Veda 4.17.4📚
“Thy Father Dyaus esteemed himself a hero: most noble was the work of Indra’s Maker, His who begat the strong bolt’s Lord who roareth, immovable like earth from her foundation.”
📌Kusika is the mother
📚Rig Veda 1.10.11📚
“O Indra, Son of Kusika, drink our libation with delight…”
📌Purusa is the father
📚Rig Veda 10.90.13📚
“The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth; Indra and Agni from his mouth were born…”
📌Soma is the father
📚Rig Veda 9.96.5📚
“Father of holy hymns, Soma flows onward the Father of the earth, Father of heaven: Father of Agni, Sūrya’s generator, the Father who begat Indra and Viṣṇu.”
📌Ekashtaka the daughter of Prajapati
📚Atharva Veda 3.10.12-13📚
“Ekashtaka, burning with zealous fervour, brought forth her babe the great and glorious Indra…Indra’s and Soma’s mother! thou art daughter of Prajapati.”
📌Tavastar is the father
📚Rig Veda 2.17.6📚
“Fit for the grasping of his arms is what the Sire hath fabricated from all kind of precious wealth. The thunderbolt, wherewith, loud-roaring, he smote down, and striking him to death laid Krivi on the earth.”
📚Rig Veda 1.61.6📚
“Even for him hath Tvaṣṭar forged the thunder, most deftly wrought, celestial, for the battle…”
40. Who Created Agni, or who Were the Parents of Agni?
📌Twishtar is the father
📚Rig Veda 1.95.2📚
“The vigilant and youthful Ten beget, through the wind, this embryo Agni…”
📌Dyaus is the father
📚Rig Veda 10.45.8📚
“…Agni by vital powers became immortal when his prolific Father Dyaus begat him.”
📌Various Gods
📚Rig Veda 8.91.16-17📚
“Blazing with splendour, Agni, God, through pious gifts of sacred oil, Bring thou the Gods and worship them. The Gods as mothers brought thee forth, the Immortal Sage, O Aṅgiras, The bearer of our gifts to heaven.”
📚Rig Veda 10.90.13📚
“The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth; Indra and Agni from his mouth were born…”
📌Ekashtaka the daughter of Prajapati
📚Atharva Veda 3.10.12-13📚
“Ekashtaka, burning with zealous fervour, brought forth her babe the great and glorious Indra…Indra’s and Soma’s mother! thou art daughter of Prajapati.”
📌Water is the mother
📚Rig Veda 10.91.6📚
“Him, duly coming as their germ, have plants received: this Agni have maternal Waters brought to life…”
📚Rig Veda 10.21.5📚
“Skilled in all lore is Agni, he whom erst Atharvan brought to life…”
Agni is referred to as the offspring of a particular entity, not solely due to igniting the fire (Agni), but primarily because of his origin.
41. Who is the Father of the Maruts?
📚Rig Veda 1.134.4📚
“…thou begettest the Maruts, of the firmament, for (the purpose of) showering rain…”
📌Rudra produced Maruts from udder of Prisni
📚Rig Veda 2.33.1📚
“FATHER of Maruts, let thy bliss approach us: exclude us not from looking on the sunlight. Gracious to our fleet courser be the Hero may we transplant us, Rudra, in our children.”
📚Rig Veda 5.60.5📚
“None being eldest, none among them youngest, as brothers they have grown to happy fortune. May their Sire Rudra, young and deft, and Pṛśni pouring much milk, bring fair days to the Maruts.”
📚Rig Veda 1.114.6📚
“To him the Maruts’ Father is this hymn addressed, to strengthen Rudra’s might…”
📚Rig Veda 2.34.2📚
“Since, golden-breasted Maruts, the vigorous (Rudra) begot you of the pure womb of Prisni…”
📚Rig Veda 7.56.1-4📚
“Who are these radiant men in serried rank, Rudra’s young heroes borne by noble steeds? Verily no one knoweth whence they sprang: they, and they only, know each other’s birth… A sage was he who knew these mysteries, what in her udder mighty Pṛśni bore.”
42. Who Were the Parents of Vayu?
📌Earth and Heaven
📚Rig Veda 7.90.3📚; 📚Yajur Veda 23.24📚
“The God whom both these worlds brought forth for riches, whom heavenly Dhiṣaṇā for our wealth appointeth, His team of harnessed horses waits on Vāyu, and, foremost, on the radiant Treasure-bearer.”
📌Born from the breath of Purusha
📚Rig Veda 10.90.13📚
“…Vāyu from his breath.”
43. Who Were the Parents of Yama and Yami?
📌Vivasvat & Saranyu
📚Rig Veda 10.14.5📚
“Come, Yama, with the Aṅgirases the Holy, rejoice thee here with children of Virūpa. To sit on sacred grass at this our worship, I call Vivasvān, too, thy Father hither.”
📚Rig Veda 10.17.1-2📚
“TVASTAR prepares the bridal of his Daughter: all the world hears the tidings and assembles. But Yama’s Mother, Spouse of great Vivasvān, vanished as she was carried to her dwelling. From mortal men they hid the Immortal Lady, made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān. Saranyu brought to him the Aśvin brothers, and then deserted both twinned pairs of children.”
📌Gandharva & Water nymph (Apya Yosa)
📚Rig Veda 10.10.4📚
“(Yama speaks). We have not done what was done formerly; for how can we who speak truth, utter now that which is untrue? Gandharva (the sun) was in the watery (firmament), and the water was his bride. She is our common parent, hence our near affinity.”
44. How Many Soldiers of the Asura Krishna did Indra Kill?
📌Fifty thousand
📚Rig Veda 4.16.13📚
“You have subjugated Pipru and the mighty Mṛgayā for the sake of Ṛjiṣvan, the son of Vidathin, you have slain the fifty thousand Kṛṣṇas; and, as old age (destroys) life, you have demolished the cities (of Śambara).”
📌Ten thousand
📚Rig Veda 8.96.13📚
“The swift-moving Krishna with ten thousand (demons) stood on the Amsumati; by his might Indra caught him snorting (in the water); he, benevolent to man, smote his malicious (bands).”
45. Who has Tasted Soma on Earth?
📌No one has ever tasted Soma on the earth
📚Rig Veda 10.85.3-4📚 ”One thinks, when they have brayed the plant, that he hath drunk the Soma’s juice; Of him whom Brahmans truly know as Soma no one ever tastes. Soma, secured by sheltering rules, guarded by hymns in Brhati, Thou standest listening to the stones none tastes of thee who dwells on earth.”
📌Even non-Aryan tribes possessed Soma
📚Rig Veda 3.53.14📚 indicates that the Kikatas do not offer Soma mixed with milk to the Vedic deities. This implies that the non-Aryan Kikatas, residing in what is now Bihar, possessed and consumed Soma. Contradicting this, other verses highlight that Soma was possessed by the Gandharvas and consumed on Earth. These varying accounts challenge the earlier assertion that Soma had not been tasted by anyone on Earth.
46. Where do the Maruts Dwell?
📌In the Heaven
📚Rig Veda 5.60.6📚
“Whether, O blessed Maruts, ye be dwelling in highest, midmost, or in lowest heaven…”
📌In the Mountains
📚Rig Veda 8.83.12📚
“That vigorous band of Maruts that abidetb in the mountains, I Invoke to drink this Soma juice.”
47. Agni is Regarded as Having Taken how Many Births?
📌Three Births
📚Rig Veda 4.1.7📚
“Three are those births, the true, the most exalted, eagerly longed-for, of the God, of Agni…”
📚Rig Veda 1.95.3📚
“Three several places of his birth they honour, in mid-air, in the heaven, and in the waters…”
📌Two Births
📚Rig Veda 1.149.4📚
“He, doubly born, hath spread in his effulgence through the three luminous realms, through all the regions…”
📚Rig Veda 8.43.28📚
“O Agni, made by strength! be thou born in the heavens or born in floods, As such we call on thee with songs.”
48. How Many Adityas are There?
📚Rig veda 9.114.3📚
“Seven regions have their several Suns; the ministering priests are seven; Seven are the Āditya Deities…”
📚Atharva Veda 8.9.21📚
“…Eight are the wombs of Aditi, eight her children…”
📚Rig Veda 2.27.1📚
“THESE hymns that drop down fatness, with the ladle I ever offer to the Kings Ādityas. May Mitra, Aryaman, and Bhaga hear us, the mighty Varuṇa Dakṣa, and Aṁśa.”
In subsequent texts, the count of Adityas is standardized at twelve. However, focusing solely on the Vedas introduces variability in the numbers presented. Rig Veda 10.72.8 distinctly specifies the count of Adityas as eight, among whom Martanda experienced death and subsequent revival. Rig Veda 2.27.1 enumerates six Adityas by name: Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Varuṇa, Dakṣa, and Aṁśa. Atharva Veda 11.6.2 includes all these names and introduces Vivasvan. The Rig Veda verse previously quoted designates Martanda as an Aditya, resulting in an acknowledgment of eight named Adityas.
However, this enumeration becomes more intricate. Beyond the eight recognized Adityas, the Vedic texts depict various other deities as Adityas. In Atharva Veda 13.2.29 and 37, Surya is acclaimed as an Aditya and Aditi’s son. Atharva Veda 8.2.15 identifies the Sun and Moon as Aditi’s two sons. Rig Veda 8.90.11 designates Surya (the sun) as an Aditya. Rig Veda 8.18.3 introduces Savitar as an Aditya, although, for this discussion, Savitar could be considered synonymous with the sun. Indra is recognized as an Aditya alongside Varuna in Rig Veda 7.85.4; however, Rig Veda 5.51.10 separates Indra from the Adityas’ group.
49. Who is the Mother of the Adityas?
📚Atharva Veda 9.1.4📚
“Daughter of Vasus, mother of Ādityas, centre of Amrit breath of living creatures. The Honey-whip, gold-coloured, dropping fatness, moves as a mighty embryo ‘mid mortals.”
‘Madhukasa’ is translated as ‘Honey-whip’ in this translation.
📚Rig Veda 10.72.8📚
“Eight are the Sons of Adid who from her body sprang to life. With seven she went to meet the Gods she cast Martanda far away.”
50. Who is the Father of Madhukasa?
📚Atharva Veda 9.1.4📚
“Daughter of Vasus, mother of Ādityas, centre of Amrit breath of living creatures. The Honey-whip, gold-coloured, dropping fatness, moves as a mighty embryo ‘mid mortals.”
📚Atharva Veda 9.1.3📚
“…For she, the first-born daughter of the Maruts, derives her origin from Wind and Agni.”
51. Does Usha Wake the Ashvins, or is Usha Born After Their Car is Yoked?
📌Usha (Dawn) awakens Asvins
📚Rig Veda 8.9.17📚
“Awake the Aśvins, Goddess Dawn! Up Mighty Lady of sweet strains! Rise, straightway, priest of sacrifice! High glory to the gladdening draught!”
📌Asvins yokes their car thence Usha is born
📚Rig Veda 10.39.12📚
“Come on that Chariot which the Ṛbhus wrought for you, the Chariot, Aśvins, that is speedier than thought, At harnessing whereof Heaven’s Daughter springs to birth…”
The Asvins yoke their chariot, bringing forth the birth of Usha (dawn). So how does Usha stir the awakening of the Asvins?
52. Who Awakens Whom?
📌Usha (Dawn) awakens humans for worship
📚Rig Veda 1.113.9📚
“As thou, Dawn, hast caused Agni to be kindled, and with the Sun’s eye hast revealed creation. And hast awakened men to offer worship, thou hast performed, for Gods, a noble service.”
📚Rig Veda 1.124.10📚 Rouse up, O Wealthy One, the liberal givers; let niggard traffickers sleep on unwakened: Shine richly, Wealthy One, on those who worship, richly, glad.”
📌Worshippers awakens Usha (Dawn)
📚Rig Veda 4.52.4📚
“With praises we awaken thee, thou who art endowed with truth; thee, the baffler of animosities, the restorer of consciousness.”
53. Who Generated Dawn, or who Discovered it?
📚Rig Veda 2.12.7📚
“…he who gave birth to the sun and to the dawn: and who is the leader of the waters; he, men, is Indra.”
📚Rig Veda 6.39.3📚 This Soma, Indra, (quaffed by thee), has lighted up the unlustrous nights, and days and nights, and years: (the gods) of old have established it as the ensign of days, and it has made the dawns generated in light.”
📌Ancient Fathers
📚Rig Veda 7.76.4📚
“Those ancient sages, our ancestors, observant of truth, rejoicing together with the gods, discovered thehidden ligh, and, reciters of sincere prayers, they genitive rated the Dawn.”
54. Indra’s Thunderbolt was Made of Which Metal?
📌Iron (Ayasa)
📚Rig Veda 10.48.3📚
“For me hath Tvaṣṭar forged the iron thunderbolt: in me the Gods have centred intellectual power…”
📚Rig Veda 1.52.8📚
“When, Indra, thou whose power is linked with thy Bay Steeds hadst smitten Vṛtra, causing floods to flow for man, Thou heldst in thine arms the metal thunderbolt…”
📌Gold (Hiranyamay/Hiranya)
📚Rig Veda 1.85.9📚
“When Tvaṣṭar deft of hand had turned the thunderbolt, golden, with thousand edges, fashioned more skilfully…”
📚Rig Veda 10.23.3📚
“When, with the Princes, Maghavari, famed of old, comes nigh the thunderbolt of gold…”
📚Rig Veda 1.57.2📚
“When the well-loved one seems to rest upon the hill, the thunderbolt of Indra, shatterer wrought of gold.”
In different contexts, it has been depicted both as having a yellow hue and a radiant golden shade. However, the preceding verses do not elucidate the color of the thunderbolt; instead, they delineate the composition of the metal it is crafted from.
📚Rig Veda 7.104.5-19📚
“Indra and Soma, cast ye downward out of heaven your deadly darts of stone burning with fiery flame…Hurl down from heaven thy bolt of stone, O Indra…”
📌Bones of Dadhyachi
📚Rig Veda 1.84.13📚
“With bones of Dadhyach for his arms, Indra, resistless in attack, Struck nine-and-ninety Vṛtras dead.”
55. Indra’s Thunderbolt is of how Many Edges?
📌Four Edged
📚Rig Veda 4.22.2📚
“Bull, hurler of the four-edged rain-producer with both his arms…”
📌Hundred Edged
📚Rig Veda 6.17.10📚
“Yea, Strong One! Tvaṣṭar turned for thee, the Mighty, the bolt with thousand spikes and hundred edges…”
56. Who is Matarisvan?
📚Rig Veda 3.5.9📚
“…May Agni, Friend, adorable Mātariśvan, as envoy bring the Gods unto our worship.”
In Rig Veda 1.93.6, it is stated that Matarisvan brought Agni from heaven. This poses a paradox: if Agni was indeed Matarisvan, how could he bring himself from heaven? Rig Veda 3.2.13 reinforces the notion that Agni and Matarisvan are distinct entities. This is supported by Nirukta 7.26, which identifies Matarisvan as Vayu (air).
📚Rig Veda 1.190.2📚
“…Bṛhaspati—for he laid out the expanses—was, at the sacrifice, vast Mātariśvan.”
57. Who is the Messenger of Visvasvat?
📚Rig Veda 6.8.4📚
“…As envoy of Vivasvān Matarisvan brought Agni Vaiśvānara hither from far away.”
📚Rig Veda 1.58.1📚
“NE’ER waxeth faint the Immortal, Son of Strength, since he, the Herald, hath become Vivasvān’s messenger…”
58. Is Indra the Strongest/Greatest?
📌Yes! He is! There is none like him
📚Rig Veda 4.18.4📚
“…No peer hath he among those born already, nor among those who shall be born hereafter.”
📚Rig Veda 7.32.23📚
“None other like to thee, of earth or of the heavens, hath been or ever will be born. Desiring horses, Indra Maghavan!…”
📚Rig Veda 5.42.6📚
“…None of old times, O Maghavan, nor later, none of these days hath reached thy hero prowess.”
📌Agni is as strong as Indra
📚Rig Veda 7.6.1📚
“…I laud his deeds who is as strong as Indra, and lauding celebrate the Fort-destroyer.”
📌Sinivali is equal to Indra
📚Atharva Veda 7.46.3📚
“Thou who as Queen of men art Indra’s equal, a Goddess coming with a thousand tresses…”
📌There is none above Yama
📚Atharva Veda 18.2.32📚
“Yama is higher and Vivasvān lower: nothing whatever do I see above him…”
📌There is no match for Kama
📚Atharva Veda 9.2.19📚
“First before all sprang Kāma into being. Gods, Fathers, mortal men have never matched him…”
59. How Many Heads Does Agni Have?
📌He is Headless
📚Rig Veda 4.1.11📚
“…Footless and headless, both his ends concealing, in his Bull’s lair drawing himself together.”
📌Three heads
📚Rig Veda 1.146.1📚
“I LAUD the seven-rayed, the triple-headed, Agni…”
60. Agni has how Many Tongues?
📌Three tongues
📚Rig Veda 3.20.2📚
“Three are thy powers, O Agni, three thy stations, three are thy tongues…”
📌Seven tongues
📚Yajur Veda 17.79📚
“Seven fuel logs hast thou, seven tongues, O Agni…”
61. Agni’s Teeth are?
📌Of Iron
📚Rig Veda 10.87.2📚
“Jatavedas, who hast teeth of iron, consume the Yatudhanas flame when kindled…”
📌Of Gold
📚Rig Veda 5.2.3📚
“I have seen him from a near place, golden-toothed, bright-coloured, wielding (flames like) weapons…”
62. Agni has how Many Eyes?
📚Rig Veda 1.31.13📚
“Agni, thou art a guard close to the pious man; kindled art thou, four-eyed! for him who is unarmed…”
📚Rig Veda 1.79.12📚
“Keen and swift Agni, thousand-eyed, chaseth the Rākṣasas afar: He singeth, herald meet for lauds.”
63. Does Agni Grow old?
📌He doesn’t grow old
📚Rig Veda 1.128.2📚
“…Through presentation of our food he grows not old in this his from…”
📌He grows old but becomes young again
📚Rig Veda 2.4.5📚
“…Known is he by his bright delightful splendour, and waxing old renews his youth for ever.”
64. Who is the Husband of Aditi?
📚Yajur Veda 29.60📚
“…a mess of boiled rice is to be made for Prajâpati; the same for Vishnu’s Consort Aditi…”
📚Rig Veda 3.48.2📚 clearly indicates that Aditi and Kashyapa were married to each other. In later texts it is much more clear but this article deals only with the Vedas.
It presents an apparent contradiction, unless it can be attributed to a scenario of polyandry.
65. Who Were the Parents of Ribhus? And Their Relationship With Indra?
📌Friends of Indra, they are children of Sudhanvan
📚Rig Veda 3.60.3📚
“Friendship with Indra have the Ṛbhus, fully gained: grandsons of Manu, they skilfully urged the work. Sudhanvan’s Children won them everlasting life, serving with holy rites, pious with noble acts.
📚Rig Veda 4.35.7📚
“Lord of Bay Steeds, at dawn the juice thou drankest: thine, only thine, is the noonday libation. Now drink thou with the wealth-bestowing Ṛbhus, whom for their skill thou madest friends, O Indra.”
📌Sons of Indra
📚Rig Veda 4.37.4📚
“Strong, with fair chains of gold and jaws of iron, ye have a splendid car and well-fed horses. Ye Sons of Strength, ye progeny of Indra, to you the best is offered to delight you.”
In Rig Veda 1.161.1, the Ribhus are acknowledged as brothers to Agni.
66. Who Placed Agni for Men to Worship? Who Started the Fire Worship?
📚Rig Veda 1.58.6📚
“The Bhṛgus established thee among mankind for men, like as a treasure, beauteous, easy to invoke; Thee, Agni, as a herald and choice-worthy guest, as an auspicious Friend to the Celestial Race.”
📚Rig Veda 1.36.19📚
“Manu hath stablished thee a light, Agni, for all the race of men…”
67. How Many Dasyus did Indra Kill to Protect Rishi Dabhiti?
📌Two Dasyus namely Chumuri and Dhuni
📚Rig Veda 10.113.9📚
“Proclaim his many friendships, met with friendship, made with singers, with the skilful and the eloquent. Indra, when he subdues Dhuni and Cumuri, lists to Dabhīti for his faithful spirit’s sake.”
📚Rig Veda 2.15.9📚
“Thou, with sleep whelming Cumuri and Dhuni, slewest the Dasyu, keptest safe Dabhīti…”
📌Thirty thousand Dasyus
📚Rig Veda 4.30.21📚
“The thirty thousand Dāsas he with magic power and weapons sent To slumber, for Dabhīti’s sake.”
📌110 Dasyus
📚Rig Veda 2.13.9📚
“Thou boundest up the Dāsa’s hundred friends and ten, when, at one’s hearing, thou helpest thy worshipper. Thou for Dabhīti boundest Dasyus not with cords; Thou wast a mighty help. Worthy of lauds art thou.”
68. How did Tvashtar React When Ribhus Multiplied the Cups?
📌He applauded their act
📚Rig Veda 4.33.5-6📚
“The eldest said, let us make two ladles; the youngest said, let us make three: Twashtri, Ribhus has applauded your proposal. The men, (the Ribhus), spake the truth, for such (ladles) they made, and thereupon the Ribhus partook of that libation: Twashtri, beholding the four ladles, brilliant as day, was content.”
In verse 5, the Sanskrit term “Panyat” is employed, signifying “praise,” while in verse 6, the term “Avenat” is utilized, connoting “desire” or “approval.”
📌He was angry and wanted to kill Ribhus
📚Rig Veda 1.161.4-5📚
“So doing, Ribhus, you inquired, Where, indeed, is he who came to us a messenger? when Twashtri observed the one ladle become four, he was immediately lost amongst the women. When Twashtri said, Let us slay those who have profaned the ladle, (designed) for the drinking of the gods; then they made us of other names for one another, as the libation was poured out…”
69. How Many Gandharvas are There?
📚Atharva Veda 11.5.2📚
“…After him too have the Gandharvas followed, thirty and three, three hundred, and six thousand. He satisfies all Gods with his devotion.”
📚Yajur Veda 9.7📚
“It was the wind, or it was thought, or the Gandharvas twenty-seven…”
70. Who Stole the Cattle of Pani?
📚Rig Veda 10.67.6📚
“…Seeking the milk-draught with sweatshining comrades he stole the Paṇi’s kine and left him weeping.”
📚Rig Veda 1.93.4📚
“Agni and Soma, famed is that your prowess wherewith ye stole the kine, his food, from Paṇi…”
71. Who Found the Treasure/Cows of Panis?
📚Rig Veda 2.24.6📚
“They who with much endeavour searching round obtained the Panis’ noblest treasure hidden in the cave,-Those sages, having marked the falsehoods, turned them back whence they had come, and sought again to enter in.”
📌Sarama assisted Angirases and Indra
📚Rig Veda 1.62.3📚
“When Indra and the Aṅgirases desired it, Saramā found provision for her offspring. Bṛhaspati cleft the mountain, found the cattle: the heroes shouted with the kine in triumph.”
📌Sarama, Sages, Brihaspati, Indra and Angirases 📚Rig Veda 10.108.9-11📚
“Even thus, O Saramā, hast thou come hither, forced by celestial might to make the journey. Turn thee not back, for thou shalt be our sister: O Blest One, we will give thee of the cattle. Brotherhood, sisterhood, I know not either: the dread Aṅgirases and Indra know them. They seemed to long for kine when I departed. Hence, into distance, be ye gone, O Paṇis. Hence, far away, ye Paṇis! Let the cattle lowing come forth as holy Law commandeth, Kine which Bṛhaspati, and Soma, Ṛṣis, sages, and pressing-stones have found when hidden.”
📚Rig Veda 5.45.7📚
“Here, urged by hands, loudly hath rung the press-stone wherewith Navagvas through ten months sang praises. Saramā went aright and found the cattle. Aṅgiras gave effect to all their labours.”
📌Angirases alone
📚Rig Veda 1.83.4📚
“First the Aṅgirases won themselves vital power, whose fires were kindled through good deeds and sacrifice. The men together found the Paṇi’s hoarded wealth, the cattle, and the wealth in horses and in kine.”
72. Who Discovered the Hidden Soma?
📚Rig Veda 3.44.5📚
“The bright, the well-loved thunderbolt, girt with the bright, Indra disclosed, Disclosed the Soma juice pressed out by tawny stones, with tawny steeds drave forth the kine.”
📚Rig Veda 1.23.14📚
“The resplendent Pushan has found the royal (Soma juice), although concealed, hidden in a secret place, strewed amongst the sacred grass.”
73. Who is the Messenger of Yama?
📚Rig Veda 10.165.4📚
“The screeching of the owl is ineffective and when beside the fire the Dove hath settled, To him who sent it hither as an envoy, to him be reverence paid, to Death, to Yama.”
📌Two Dogs
📚Rig Veda 10.14.10-12📚
“Run and outspeed the two dogs, Saramā’s offspring, brindled, four-eyed, upon thy happy pathway. Draw nigh then to the gracious-minded Fathers where they rejoice in company with Yama. And those two dogs of thine, Yama, the watchers, four-eyed, who look on men and guard the pathway,—Entrust this man, O King, to their protection, and with prosperity and health endow him. Dark-hued, insatiate, with distended nostrils, Yama’s two envoys roam among the People; May they restore to us a fair existence here and to-day, that we may see the sunlight.”
74. Who Sustains/Supports Earth and Heaven?
📚Rig Veda 3.59.1📚
“MITRA, when speaking, stirreth men to labour: Mitra sustaineth both the earth and heaven…”
📚Rig Veda 4.53.2📚
“Sustainer of the heaven, Lord of the whole world’s life, the Sage, he putteth on his golden-coloured mail…”
📚Rig Veda 6.70.1📚
“…The Heaven and the Earth by Varuṇa’s decree, unwasting, rich in germs, stand parted each from each.”
📚Rig Veda 8.42.1📚
“LORD of all wealth, the Asura propped the heavens, and measured out the broad earth’s wide expanses. He, King supreme, approached all living creatures. All these are Varuṇa’s holy operations.”
📚Rig Veda 6.72.2📚
“Ye, Indra-Soma, gave her light to Morning, and led the Sun on high with all his splendour. Ye stayed the heaven with a supporting pillar, and spread abroad apart, the Earth, the Mother.”
📚Rig Veda 9.87.2📚
“…Father, begetter of the Gods, most skilful, the buttress of the heavens and earth’s supporter.”
📚Rig Veda 10.121.5📚
“By him the heavens are strong and earth is stedfast, by him light’s realm and sky-vault are supported: By him the regions in mid-air were measured. What God shall we adore with our oblation?”
75. How did Indra Kill Arbuda?
📌Crushed head of Arbuda with his foot
📚Rig Veda 1.51.6📚
“Thou savedst Kutsa when Śuṣṇa was smitten down; to Atithigva gavest Śambara for a prey. E’en mighty Arbuda thou troddest under foot: thou from of old wast born to strike the Dasyus dead.”
📌Pierced Arbuda with frost
📚Rig Veda 8.32.26📚
“He, meet for praise, slew Vṛtra, slew Ahīśuva, Urnavabha’s son, And pierced through Arbuda with frost.”
76. Relationship Between Usha and Surya?
📌Surya is her lover
📚Rig Veda 1.92.11📚
“…Diminishing the days of human creatures, the Lady shines with all her lover’s splendour.”
📌Surya is her husband
📚Rig Veda 7.75.5📚
“She who is rich in spoil, the Spouse of Sūrya…”
77. Colour and Number of Agni’s Horses?
📌Unsure about color and number of horses
📚Rig Veda 1.94.10📚
“When to thy chariot thou hadst yoked two red steeds and two ruddy steeds, wind-sped, thy roar was like a bull’s…”
📚Rig Veda 2.10.2📚
“May Agni, who is immortal of manifold wisdom, and wonderful splendour, hear my invocation, (preffered) with all laudations: tawny, or red, or purple horses draw his car; he has been borne in various directions.”
📌Tawny horses
📚Rig Veda 7.5.5📚
“Agni, the tawny horses, loudly neighing our resonant hymns that drop with oil, attend thee…”
📌Two Red horses
📚Rig Veda 7.16.2📚
“His two red horses, all-supporting, let him yoke: let him, well-worshipped, urge them fast…”
📚Rig Veda 4.1.8📚
“This envoy joyeth in all seats of worship, borne on his golden car, sweet-tongued Invoker: Lovely to look on, with red steeds, effulgent, like a feast rich in food, joyous for ever.”
📚Rig Veda 8.43.16📚 ”O Agni, Brother, made by strength, Lord of red steeds and brilliant sway…”
78. Did Indra Kill Pipru WITH Rijisvan or FOR Rijisvan?
📌With Rjisvan, Indra killed Pipru
📚Rig Veda 1.101.1📚
“Sing, with oblation, praise to him who maketh glad, who with Ṛjiśvan drove the dusky brood away…”
📚Rig Veda 10.138.3📚
“…Associate with Ṛjiśvan Indra overthrew the solid forts of Pipru, conjuring Asura.”
📌Indra killed Pipru alone for Rjisvan
📚Rig Veda 4.16.13📚
“You hast subjugated Pipru and the mighty Mrigaya for the sake of Rijiswan the son of Vidhathin…”
📚Rig Veda 6.20.7📚
“Thou, thunder-armed, with thy great might hast shattered Pipru’s strong forts who knew the wiles of serpents. Thou gavest to thy worshipper Ṛjiśvan imperishable Wealth, O Bounteous Giver.”
79. How Many Vritras did Indra Kill?
📚Rig Veda 1.84.13📚
“With bones of Dadhyach for his arms, Indra, resistless in attack, Struck nine-and-ninety Vṛtras dead.”
📚Rig Veda 1.53.6📚
“…What time thou slewest for the singer with trimmed grass ten thousand Vṛtras, thou resistless in thy might.”
80. Visvadeva was a Child of how Many Mothers?
📌Two Mothers
📚Rig Veda 3.55.7📚
“Child of two Mothers, Priest, sole Lord in synods…”
📌Three Mothers
📚Rig Veda 3.56.5📚
“Streams! the wise Gods have thrice three habitations. Child of three Mothers, he is Lord in synods…”
81. How Many Spokes are There in the Wheel of the Sun?
📌Five Spokes
📚Atharva Veda 9.9.11📚
“Upon the five-spoked wheel revolving ever, whereon all creatures rest and are dependent…”
📌Six Spokes
📚Atharva Veda 9.9.12📚
“…These others, later still, say that he takes his stand upon a seven wheeled car, six-spoked, whose sight is clear.”
📌Twelve Spokes
📚Atharva Veda 9.9.13📚
“Formed with twelve spokes, too strong for age to weaken…”
Spokes here also signify seasons.
82. Are Maruts the Same as Rudras, or are They Different Entities?
📌Maruts identified as Rudras
📚Rig Veda 1.64.2📚
“They spring to birth, the lofty Ones, the Bulls of Heaven, divine, the youths of Rudra, free from spot and stain; The purifiers, shining brightly even as suns, awful of form like giants, scattering rain-drops down.”
📚Rig Veda 7.56.1-2📚
“Who are these radiant men in serried rank, Rudra’s young heroes borne by noble steeds? Verily no one knoweth whence they sprang: they, and they only, know each other’s birth.”
📌Rudra being the father of Maruts and Maruts being referred as Rudras
📚Rig Veda 5.60.5-6📚
“None being eldest, none among them youngest, as brothers they have grown to happy fortune. May their Sire Rudra, young and deft, and Pṛśni pouring much milk, bring fair days to the Maruts. Whether, O blessed Maruts, ye be dwelling in highest, midmost, or in lowest heaven, Thence, O ye Rudras, and thou also, Agni, notice the sacrificial food we offer.”
📚Rig Veda 1.114.6📚
“To him the Maruts’ Father is this hymn addressed, to strengthen Rudra’s might…”
📚Rig Veda 1.39.4📚
“Consumers of your foes, no enemy of yours is found in heaven or on the earth: Ye Rudras, may the strength, held in this bond, be yours, to bid defiance even now.”
📌Maruts being mentioned separately from Rudas as different entities
📚Rig Veda 8.13.28📚
“Attendants on thy glory, let the Rudras roar assent to thee, And all the Marut companies come to the feast.”
📚Rig Veda 10.92.6📚
“Straightway the Rudras, Maruts visiting all men, Falcons of Dyaus, home-dwellers with the Asura…”
📚Rig Veda 3.32.2📚
“…Knit with the prayer-fulfilling band of Maruts, yea, with the Rudras, drink till thou art sated;”
83. How Many Rudras are There?
📌Thousands and innumerable
📚Yajur Veda 16.54📚
“Innumerable thousands are the Rudras on the face of earth…”
📚Yajur Veda 21.43📚
“…belonging to the Hundred Rudras…”
📚Yajur Veda 34.47📚
“Come, O Nâsatyas, with the thrice eleven Gods: come…”
📚Krishna Yajur Veda📚
“…the Rudras are eleven…”
Explicit reference to the count of 11 Rudras is not distinctly articulated within the Vedic texts. Nevertheless, the Yajur Veda verse cited earlier appears to provide insights into the numerical delineation of Rudras, Adityas, and additional groups of deities. Subsequent texts, such as the Taittriya Samhita (a division of the Black Yajur Veda), offer a lucid account of the number of Rudras.
84. Who was the First one to Drink Soma?
📌Brahman (Supreme God)
📚Atharva Veda 4.6.1📚 ”The Brâhmana was the first to be born, with ten heads and ten mouths. He was the first to drink the soma; that did render poison powerless.”
📚Rig Veda 4.46.1📚
“DRINK the best draught of Soma-juice, O Vāyu, at our holy rites: For thou art he who drinketh first.”
📚Rig Veda 1.134.1📚
“Vayu, let fleet-foot coursers bring thee speedily to this our feast, to drink first of the juice we pour, to the first draught of Soma juice…”
📚Rig Veda 2.11.14📚
“…the Vayus, who drink the first libation of the Soma.”
📚Rig Veda 1.135.4📚
“…Vāyu, to taste the offerings! Drink of the pleasant-flavoured juice: the first draught is assigned to you.”
📚Atharva Veda 20.99.1📚; 📚Rig Veda 3.36.8📚 states that Indra was ceremoniously invited to be the first Soma drinker. While these two verses might imply that Indra’s prominence led to this role in sacrificial practices, it’s essential not to disregard the contradictions that arise. Some passages indicate Vayu as the initial Soma consumer, diverging from the earlier portrayal of Indra. In later works like the Aitareya Brahmana, an elaboration emerges: a contest among the gods regarding the inaugural Soma partaker, where Vayu triumphed and Indra followed.Yet, this narrative contradicts the account of the falcon Suparna transporting Soma to Indra. Rig Veda establishes the falcon’s role, while the Krishna Yajur Veda presents an even clearer stance: the gods lacked Soma, and it was the falcon that fulfilled this role.
85. Who was the First Born?
📚Atharva Veda 9.2.19📚
“First before all sprang Kāma into being. Gods, Fathers, mortal men have never matched him…”
📚Rig Veda 6.73.1📚
“Served with oblations, first-born, mountain-render, Aṅgiras’ son, Bṛhaspati, the Holy, With twice-firm path, dwelling in light, our Father, roars loudly, as a bull, to Earth and Heaven.”
📚Rig Veda 9.5.9📚
“I summon Tvaṣṭar hither, our protector, champion, earliest-born…”
📚Rig Veda 10.168.3📚
“…Holy and earliest-born, Friend of the waters, where did he spring and from what region came he.”
📚Atharva Veda 19.22.21📚
“…Brahma was born first of all things existing…”
86. Who Killed Sambara?
📌Maruts helped Indra kill Sambara
📚Rig Veda 3.47.4📚
“Drink Soma, Indra, banded with the Maruts who, Maghavan, strengthened thee at Ahi’s slaughter, ‘Gainst Śambara, Lord of Bays! in winning cattle, and now rejoice in thee, the holy Singers.”
📚Rig Veda 2.24.2📚
“He who with might bowed down the things that should be bowed, and in his fury rent the holds of Sambara: Who overthrew what shook not, Brahmapaspati,-he made his way within the mountain stored with wealth.”
📚Rig Veda 1.54.4📚
“The ridges of the lofty heaven thou madest shake; thou, daring, of thyself smotest through Śambara…”
87. Who Prepared the Path for the Sun to Travel?
📚Rig Veda 1.24.8📚
“King Varuṇa hath made a spacious pathway, a pathway for the Sun wherein to travel…”
📌Several Varuna included
📚Rig Veda 7.60.3📚 ”Your coursers rich in store of sweets have mounted: to the bright ocean Sūrya hath ascended, For whom the Ādityas make his pathway ready, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa, accordant.”
📌Usha (Dawn)
📚Rig Veda 1.113.16📚
“Arise! the breath, the life, again hath reached us: darkness hath passed away and light approacheth. She for the Sun hath left a path to travel we have arrived where men prolong existence.”
📚Rig Veda 10.111.3📚
“Indra knows, verily, how to hear our singing, for he, victorious, made a path for Sūrya…”
88. What was the Relationship Between Kutsa and Indra?
📚Rig Veda 4.16.10📚
“Come to our home resolved to slay the Dasyu: Kutsa longed eagerly to win thy friendship. Alike in form ye both sate in his dwelling the faithful Lady was in doubt between you.”
📚Rig Veda 1.53.10📚
“Thou hast protected Suśravas with succour, and Tūrvayāṇa with thine aid, O Indra. Thou madest Kutsa, Atithigva, Āyu, subject unto this King, the young, the mighty.”
📚Rig Veda 2.14.7📚
“Ye ministers, to him who slew a hundred thousand, and cast them down upon earth’s bosom; Who quelled the valiant men of Atithigva, Kutsa, and Āyu,—bring to him the Soma.”
Moreover, there exist verses where Indra actively supported Kutsa in battles against the latter’s adversaries, underscoring their amicable association. Contrasting with this, subsequent texts like the Brahmanas introduce an alternative narrative, asserting that Kutsa was, in fact, born from Indra’s thighs, implying a direct parent-child relationship. It’s worth noting that the Rig Veda designates Kutsa as the son of Arjuna (Rig Veda 8.1.11). However, this proposition introduces another layer of complexity, as the Vedic verses depict Indra and Kutsa as allies, indicating a camaraderie that could seemingly conflict with a father-son relationship.
89. Who was the First Sacrificer?
📚Rig Veda 10.63.7📚
“Ye to whom Manu, by seven priests, with kindled fire, offered the first oblation with his heart and soul…”
📚Atharva Veda 19.4.1📚
“The first oblation that Atharvan oared, earliest sacrifice paid by Jātavedas…”
📚Rig Veda 10.92.10📚
“For these have spread abroad the fame of human kind, the Bull Bṛhaspati and Soma’s brotherhood. Atharvan first by sacrifices made men sure: through skill the Bhṛgus were esteemed of all as Gods.”
📚Rig Veda 2.34.12📚
“They, the Daśagvas, first of all brought sacrifice: they at the break of mornings shall inspirit us…”
90. What is the Weapon of Rudra?
📌Bow and Arrows
📚Rig Veda 2.33.10📚
“Worthy, thou carriest thy bow and arrows, worthy, thy many hued and honoured necklace. Worthy, thou cuttest here each fiend to pieces: a mightier than thou there is not, Rudra.”
📚Rig Veda 5.42.11📚
“Praise him whose bow is strong and sure his arrow, him who is Lord of every balm that bealeth. Worship thou Rudra…”
📚Rig Veda 2.33.3📚
“Chief of all born art thou in glory, Rudra, armed with the thunder, mightiest of the mighty…”
📚Atharva Veda 11.2.26📚
“O’erwhelm us not with Fever or with poison, nor, Rudra! with the fire that comes from heaven. Elsewhere, and not on us, cast down this lightning.”
In Rig Veda 7.6.3 this translation renders the term “Didyut” as “bright arrow,” while a more accurate translation, as upheld by numerous other translators, is “lightning.”
91. How Many Horses Draw the Chariot of the Sun?
📚Rig Veda 10.37.3📚
“No godless man from time remotest draws thee down when thou art driving forth with winged dappled Steeds…”
📚Rig Veda 4.13.3📚
“…Him who beholds the universe, the Sun-God, seven strong and youthful Coursers carry onward.”
📚Rig Veda 7.63.2📚
“Sūrya’s great ensign, restless as the billow, that urgeth men to action, is advancing: Onward he still would roll the wheel well-rounded, which Etaśa, harnessed to the car-pole, moveth.”
“Etasa” is indeed the name of the horse associated with the sun.
92. In Whose Chariot and With Whose Horses Does Indra Travel?
📌In a chariot & horses given by Ribhus
📚Rig Veda 5.31.4📚
“The Ribhus have fabricated thy car, Indra the invoked of many, adapted to its horses…”
📚Rig Veda 4.35.5📚
“…Ṛbhus, rich in treasure, fashioned the two swift Tawny Steeds who carry Indra.”
📌Borne by horses of the Sun
📚Rig Veda 10.49.7📚
“I travel round about borne onward in my might by the fleet-footed dappled Horses of the Sun…”
📌Borne by horses of wind god
📚Rig Veda 10.22.4📚
“Harnessing to thy car, as God, two blustering Steeds Of the Wind-God, O Thunderer…”
93. Where was Soma?
📌Soma was in Mountain(s)
📚Rig Veda 9.62.4📚
“The mountain-born Soma flows for exhilaration, mighty in the (Vasativari) waters: he alights like a falcon on his own place.”
📚Rig Veda 9.46.1-2📚
“Like able coursers they have been sent forth to be the feast of Gods, joying in mountains, flowing on. To Vāyu flow the Soma-streams…”
Another translation of this verse,
📚Rig Veda 9.46.1📚
“Begotten by the stones the flowing (Soma juices) are effused for the banquet of the gods like active horses.”
📌Soma was in the heaven
📚Rig Veda 1.93.6📚
“Agni and Soma, the wind brought one of you from heaven; a hawk carried off the other, by force, from the summit of the mountain…”
📚Rig Veda 9.77.2📚
“That ancient (Soma) flows, which the hawk, despatched (for the purpose), brought down from heaven passing through the (third) world; he detaches the sweet-flavoured (Soma) flying downwards, with mind full of fear of the archer Krisanu.”
📚Rig Veda 8.100.8📚
“Suparna, rushing swift as thought, passed through the iron city: then having gone to heaven he brought the Soma to the thunderer.”
📌Surya’s daughter brought Soma
📚Rig Veda 9.113.3📚
“The daughter of Surya brought the vast Soma large as a rain-cloud; teh Gandharvas seized upon it and placed the juice in the Soma: flow, Indu for Indra.”
94. How Many Earths are Equal in Greatness to Indra?
📌Ten Earths
📚Rig Veda 1.52.11📚
“O Indra, were this earth extended forth tenfold, and men who dwell therein multiplied day by day, Still here thy conquering might, Maghavan, would be famed: it hath waxed vast as heaven in majesty and power.”
📌Not even Hundred Earths
📚Rig Veda 8.59.5📚
“O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were thine-No, not a thousand Suns could match thee at thy birth, not both the worlds, O Thunderer.”
📌Earth and Heaven are equal to half of him
📚Rig Veda 6.30.1📚
“…Indra transcendeth both the worlds in greatness: one half of him equalleth earth and heaven.”
95. How Many Soldiers of Varchin Were Slain, and who Killed Them?
📌Indra killed Five hundred thousand (5,00,000) followers of Varchin
📚Rig Veda 4.30.15📚
“Thou hast slain the five hundreds and thousands (of the followers) of the slave Varchin, (surrounding) him like the fellies (round the spokes of a wheel).”
📌Indra killed One hundred thousand (1,00,000) followers of Varchin
📚Rig Veda 2.14.6📚
“…and cast down the hundred thousand (descenants) of Varchin.”
📌Vishnu and Indra killed hundred thousand followers of Varchin
📚Rig Veda 7.99.5📚
“Indra and Vishnu, you have demolished the ninety-nine strong cities of Sambara: you have slain at once, without resistance, the hundred thousand heroes of the Asura Varchin.”