Bizarre Births

1. Child Birth Through Male Organs

📚Shiva Purana📚

“O son of Bhrgu, since you came out of my penis in the form of the semen you will be called Sukra henceforth. I accept you as my son.”

📚Brahma Vaivarta Purana Brahma Khanda 5.56-66📚

“Thereafter, from the private parts of Krishna, a mighty being of tawny colour with his companions came out and inasmuch as they emanated from his private parts they are known by the name of Guhyas, but the best and the mightiest of them is called Kuvera…”

📚Brahmanda Purana 2.8.25📚

”Since the lord [Brahma] created the Asuras at night from his loins through the vital breaths, and as they were born during the night, they are invincible during the night.”

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 9.6.26-31📚

”Although Yuvanãsva went into the forest with his one hundred wives, all of them were very morose. The sages in the forest, however, being very kind to the King, began very carefully and attentively performing an Indra-yajña so that the King might have a son. Being thirsty one night, the King entered the arena of sacrifice, and when he saw all the brahmanas lying down, he personally drank the sanctified water meant to be drunk by his wife. When the brahmanas got up from bed and saw the water pot empty, they inquired who had done this work of drinking the water meant for begetting a child. When the brahmanas came to understand that the King, inspired by the supreme controller, had drunk the water, they all exclaimed “Alas! The power of providence is real power. No one can counteract the power of the Supreme.” In this way they offered their respectful obeisances unto the Lord. Thereafter, in due course of time, a son with all the good symptoms of a powerful king came forth from the lower right side of King Yuvanasva’s abdomen. The baby cried so much for breast milk that all the brahmanas were very unhappy. “Who will take care of this baby?” they said. Then Indra, who was worshiped in that yajña, came and solaced the baby. “Do not cry,” Indra said. Then Indra put his index finger in the baby’s mouth and said, “You may drink me.”

Childbirth through nose,

📚Vishnu Purana 4.2.11📚

”Iksvaku was born from the nostril of the Manu, as he happened to sneeze”. He had a hundred sons, of whom the three most distinguished were Vikuksi, Nimi, and Danda. Fifty of the rest, under Sakuni, were the protectors of the northern countries. Forty-eight were the princes of the south.”

2. Child Birth From Dropped Semen

Suka Deva was born from the dropped semen of Ved Vyasa,

📚Devi Bhagavatam 1.14.1-70📚

”Confounded by terror, she assumed the form of a Süka bird and fled away; Vyasa, too, became greatly surprised to see her in the form of a bird. The moment Vyasa saw the extraordinary beautiful form of Ghritāci, the Cupid entered then, into his body, and his mind was filled with the thought of sweet feminine form and was gladdened and all his body was thrilled with pleasure so that the hairs of the body stood on their ends. The Muni Vyasa Deva tried his best and exerted his power of patience to its utmost, but failed to control his restless mind to enjoy the woman. Though he was very energetic, and he tried repeatedly to control his heart, enchanted with the beautiful form of Ghritaci. yet he could not, as due to a state of things pre- ordained by God, control his mind. At this state, when he was rubbing the fire sticks to get the sacred fire, the two pieces of wood used in kindling the fire, his seed (semen) fell upon the Arani (the two pieces of wood used in kindling the sacred fire). But he did not take any notice of that, and he went on rubbing the firesticks when arose from that Arani the wonderfully beautiful form of Süka deva, looking like a second Vyasa.”

Children born from the semen of Brahma which were dropped,

📚Shiva Purana📚

”On hearing their words, lord Siva was delighted. Favourably disposed to his devotees he offered me freedom from fear. O dear, then Vishnu, the other gods and the sages began to smile and became merry. O dear, my semen pressed very frequently, turned into several sparkling drops. Thousands of sages called Valakhilyas sprang up from the sparkling drops. O sage, then the sages, gathered near me with great pleasure and said-“O father O father” They were then sternly told by you urged by Siva’s wish. The Valakhilyas were rebuked angrily by you.”

3. Satyavathi (Mother of VedVyas) was Born out of a Fish

📚Mahabharata 1.63📚

“The hawk, swift of speed, took it from the king and rapidly coursed through the air. While thus passing, the hawk was seen by another of his species. Thinking that the first one was carrying meat, the second one flew at him. The two fought with each other in the sky with their beaks. While they were fighting, the seed fell into the waters of the Yamuna. And in those waters dwelt an Apsara of the higher rank. known by the name of Adrika, transformed by a Brahmana’s curse into a fish. As soon as Vasu’s seed fell into the water from the claws of the hawk, Adrika rapidly approached and swallowed it at once. That fish was, some time after, caught by the fishermen. And it was the tenth month of the fish’s having swallowed the seed. From the stomach of that fish came out a male and a female child of human form. The fishermen wondered much, and wending unto king Uparicara (for they were his subjects) told him all. They said, ‘O king, these two beings of human shape have been found in the body of a fish!’ The male child amongst the two was taken by Uparicara.”

📚Vishnu Purana 4.19.57📚

”Similarly, the woman Satyavati was born of the womb of the glittering fish called Saphari. The demon Mahisa was born of the womb of a buffalo.”

📚Devi Bhagavatam 2.1.6-39📚

”Thus thinking the time ripe, he closed the semen under the leaves of the banyan tree and charging it with the mantra power (some power) addressed a falcon close by thus :- “O highly fortunate one! Take this my semen virile and go to my palace. O Beautiful one! Do this my work: take this semen virile and go quick to my palace and hand it over to my wife Girika for to- day is her menstruation period.” Sata said:- “O Rsis! Thus saying, the king gave that leaf with the virile therein to the falcon, who is capable of going quick in the air, took it and immediately rose high up in the air. Another falcon, seeing this one flying in the air with leaf in his beak, considered it to be some piece of flesh and fell upon him. Immediately a gallant fighting ensued between the two birds with their beaks. While the fighting was going on, that leaf with semen virile fell down from their beaks on the waters of the Jumna river. Then the two falcons flew away as they liked. O Rsis! While the two falcons were fighting with each other, one Apsara (celestial nymph) named Adrika came to a Brahmin, who was performing his Sandhya Bandanam on the banks of the Jumnã. That beautiful woman began to bathe in the waters and took a plunge for playing sports and caught hold of the feet of the Brahmana. The Dvija, engaged in Pranayama (deep breathing exercise), saw that the woman had amorous intentions, and cursed her, saying :- “As you have interrupted me in my meditation, so be a fish.” Adrika, one of the best Apsaras, thus cursed, assumed the form of a fish Safari and spent her days in the Jumna waters. When the semen virile of Uparicara Vasu fell from the beak of the falcon, that fish Adrikä came quickly and ate that and became pregnant. When ten months passed, a fisherman came there and caught in a net that fish Adrika. When the fish’s belly was torn asunder, two human beings instantly came out the the womb. One was a lovely boy and the other a beautiful girl. The fisherman was greatly astonished to see this. He went and informed the king of that place who was Uparicara Vasu that the boy and the girl were born of the womb of a fish. The king also was greatly surprised and accepted the boy who seemed auspicious. This Vasu’s son was highly energetic and powerful, truthful and religious like his father and became famous by the name of the king Matsyaraj. Uparicara Vasu gave away the girl to the fisherman. This girl was named Kali and she became famous by the name of Matsyodari. The smell of the fish came out of her body and she was named also Matsyagandha. Thus the auspicious Vasu’s daughter remained and grew in that fisherman’s house.”

4. Brahma Gave Birth to Demons From his Buttocks

📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 3.20.23📚

”Lord Brahma then gave birth to the demons from his buttocks, and they were very fond of sex. Because they were too lustful, they approached him for copulation.”