Scientific Errors In Hinduism
- Scientific Errors In Hinduism
- 1. Distance between celestial objects
- 2. Shape of the Earth
- 3. Earth is Propped/Supported
- 4. Earth was established over the waters
- 5. How full Moon occurs
- 6. Moon is larger than the Sun
- 7. Moon has its own light
- 8. Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are made of water
- 9. Orbits of different celestial objects
- 10. Planets and Stars are propelled by wind
- 11. Size of the Earth
- 12. Solar eclipse is caused by a demon
- 13. Speed at which the Sun travels
- 14. Speed of celestial objects
- 15. Earth is immovable
- 16. List of the 9 planets according to Hinduism
- 17. The Heavens are supported by pillars
- 18. The imaginary Mount Meru
- 19. Mountain had wings
- 20. Moon travels faster than the Sun
- 21. The Sky (Heaven) can fall on us
- 22. The Stars originated from the Sun
- 23. The Sun revolves around the Earth
- 24. The Sun causes wind
- 25. Distance between Earth & Moon > Distance between Earth & Sun
- 26. The Sun and Moon dipping in water
- 27. How were Gold and Silver formed
- 28. Moon orbits on water
- 29. The Sun and Moon causes rain
- 30. The Sun and the Moon move in a chariot pulled by horses
- 31. Sea length between India and Sri Lanka
- 32. Animals used to walk on two feet
- 33. What causes hoarfrost?
- 34. The Sun emits different rays that cause seasonal changes
- 35. What causes Earthquakes?
- 36. How were mountains formed?
- 37. What are Stars?
1. Distance between celestial objects
Distance between Earth and Jupiter
According to Science – 367,000,000 miles (at its closest) to 600,000,000 miles (at its furthest)
According to Hinduism – 10,400,000 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.15📚
”Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mars, or 10,400,000 miles above earth, is the planet Jupiter, which travels through one sign of the zodiac within the period of a Parivatsara. If its movement is not curved, the planet Jupiter is very favourable to the brähmanas of the universe.”
Distance between Earth and Saturn
According to Science – 746,000,000 miles (at its closest) to 1,056,000,000 miles (at its furthest)
According to Hinduism – 12,000,000 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.16📚
”Situated 1,600,000 miles above Jupiter, or 12,000,000 miles above earth, is the planet Saturn, which passes through one sign of the zodiac in thirty months and covers the entire zodiac circle in thirty Anuvatsaras. This planet is always very inauspicious for the universal situation.”
Distance between Earth and Mercury
According to Science – 28,600,000 miles (at its closest) to 43,400,000 miles (at its furthest)
According to Hinduism – 7,200,000 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.13📚
”Mercury is described to be similar to Venus, in that it moves sometimes behind the sun, sometimes in front of the sun and sometimes along with it. It is 1,600,000 miles above Venus, or 7,200,000 miles above earth. Mercury, which is the son of the moon, is almost always very auspicious for the inhabitants of the universe, but when it does not move along with the sun, it forbodes cyclones, dust, irregular rainfall, and waterless clouds. In this way it creates fearful conditions due to inadequate or excessive rainfall.”
Distance between Earth and Mars
According to Science – 33,900,000 miles (at its closest) to 250,000,000 miles (at its furthest)
According to Hinduism – 8,800,000 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.14📚
”Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mercury, or 8,800,000 miles above earth, is the planet Mars. If this planet does not travel in a crooked way, it crosses through each sign of the zodiac in three fortnights and in this way travels through all twelve, one after another. It almost always creates unfavorable conditions in respect to rainfall and other influences.”
Distance between Earth and the Polestar
According to Science – 5,880,000,000,000 miles
According to Hinduism – 20,800,000 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.17📚
”Situated 8,800,000 miles above Saturn, or 20,800,000 miles above earth, are the seven saintly sages, who are always thinking of the well- being of the inhabitants of the universe. They circumambulate the supreme abode of Lord Visnu, known as Dhruvaloka, the polestar.”
Distance between Earth and Sun, Moon, and Stars
According to Science –
Distance between Earth and Sun – 152,000,000 miles
Distance between Earth and Moon – 238,800 miles
Distance between Earth and Stars – 4.246 light years (closest star)
According to Hinduism –
Distance between Earth and Sun – 800,000 miles
Distance between Earth and Moon – 1,600,000 miles
Distance between Earth and Stars – 2,400,000 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Brahma Purana 21.5-9📚
”O brahmins, the disc of the sun is stationed a hundred thousand Yojanas away from the earth. The disc of the moon is stationed a hundred thousand Yojanas away from the sun. Full hundred thousand Yojanas above the moon, the entire sphere of the stars shines. O brahmins, mercury (Budha) is two hundred thousand Yojanas above the sphere of stars…Saturn (Sauri) is stationed two hundred thousand Yojanas above Jupiter…”
Distance between Earth and Venus
According to Science – 24,000,000 miles (at its closest) to 162,000,000 miles (at its furthest)
According to Hinduism – Venus is 1,600,000 miles above the stars (2,400,000 miles away [according to Hinduism]), hence Venus is 4,000,000 miles away from the Earth
📚Shrimad Bhagavatham 5.22.12📚
”Some 1,600,000 miles above this group of stars is the planet Venus, which moves at almost exactly the same pace as the sun according to swift, slow and moderate movements. Sometimes Venus moves behind the sun, sometimes in front of the sun and sometimes along with it. Venus nullifies the influence of planets that are obstacles to rainfall. Consequently its presence causes rainfall, and it is therefore considered very favorable for all living beings within this universe. This has been accepted by learned scholars.”
2. Shape of the Earth
Flat Earth
📚Padma Purana 1.3.55📚
”The beginningless supreme being, then having flattened the earth, piled the mountains on it according to (its) divisions.”
📚Valmiki Ramayana 5.9.26📚
”the floor was covered by a carpet, wide and four-cornered like the earth…”
📚Padma Purana 1.19.166-171📚
”…O you creator of the worlds, you are the protector and creator of us and (also) of the worlds. This flat world will be elevated by your favour…”
📚Rig Veda 8.6.5📚
”His might is manifest, for Indra folds and unfolds both heaven and earth, as (one spreads or rolls up) a skin.”
📚Rig Veda 6.8.3📚
”Wonderful Mitra propped the heaven and earth apart, and covered and concealed the darkness with his light. He made the two bowls part asunder like two skins. Vaiśvānara put forth all his creative power.”
📚Kurma Purana 1.6.25📚
”He levelled the earth and gathered the mountains together on it…”
📚Shiva Purana📚
”The Boar brought the earth to its own place. It then assumed his natural form and fixed it there. He levelled the earth, fixed the mountains and set up the four worlds on the earth as before.”
📚 Vayu Purana 1.6.27📚
”With a desire to set up the universe, the lord lifted up the Earth. Then, he, the lotus-eyed lord, decided to divide the Earth. He levelled the Earth and created the mountains on it.”
📚Vishnu Purana 1.4.45-48📚
”The supreme being thus eulogized, upholding the earth, raised it quickly, and placed it on the summit of the ocean, where it floats like a mighty vessel, and from its expansive surface does not sink beneath the waters. Then, having levelled the earth, the great eternal deity divided it into portions, by mountains…”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.68-70📚
”The entire earth is known as fifty crores (of Yojanas) in extent. From the middle of Meru on all four sides is half of it. Half the extent of the earth is stated in terms of Yojanas. The extent of the earth towards all the sides (quarters) from the middle of Meru is said to be eleven crores and eighty nine lakhs (of Yojanas) and fifty thousand).”
Lotus-shaped Earth
📚Vishnu Purana 2.12.36📚
”From the waters, which are the body of Viṣṇu, was produced the lotus-shaped earth, with its seas and mountains.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.34.44📚
”The lotus that was fashioned by Visnu grew from his umbilicus. The earth along with the forests and the trees was evolved in the shape of a lotus.”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.16.5📚
”The planetary system known as Bhū-maṇḍala resembles a lotus flower, and its seven islands resemble the whorl of that flower. The length and breadth of the island known as Jambūdvīpa, which is situated in the middle of the whorl, are one million yojanas [eight million miles]. Jambūdvīpa is round like the leaf of a lotus flower.”
📚Markandeya Purana 4.54-55📚
”Having formerly become existent, as a wild hoar it repelled the water with its snout, and lifted out the earth like a lotus with one of its tusks.”
📚Harivamsha Purana 3.31.2-4📚
”The Lord then thought of making divisions of the earth. He then thought of the height of mountains, the courses of rivers and their sizes, small or less. Having divided the earth into four continents like unto four petals of a lotus and separated the oceans he created the golden mountain Meru.”
Earth was ‘Spread out’
📚Rig Veda 10.18.10📚
”Go to this your mother-earth, the wide-spread, delightful earth; this virgin (earth is) as soft as wool, tothe liberal (worshipper) may she protect you from the proximity of Nirrti.”
📚Atharva Veda 4.11.1📚
”The Bull supports the wide-spread earth and heaven, the Bull supports the spacious air between them. The Bull supports the sky’s six spacious regions: the universal world hath he pervaded.”
📚Rig Veda 3.6.5📚
”Great are the deeds of thee, the Great, O Agni: thou by thy power hast spread out earth and heaven. As soon as thou wast born thou wast an envoy, thou, Mighty One, was Leader of the people.”
📚Rig Veda 10.62.3📚
”Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law, and spread broad earth, the Mother…”
📚Rig Veda 6.72.2📚
”Indra and Soma, you have led on the dawns; you have upraised the sun with his splendour, you have propped up the sky with he supporting pillar (of the firmament); you have spread out the earth, the mother (of all).”
Earth has a centre (on its surface)
📚Sama Veda📚
”Parjanya is the sire of the leaf-bearing Bull: on mountains, in earth’s centre hath he made his home. The waters have flowed forth, the Sisters, to the kine: he meets the pressing-stones at the beloved rite.”
📚Rig Veda 10.1.6📚
”Arrayed in splendid garments, that Agni (abides) on the navel of the earth; do you, royal (Agni), who are radiant, born on the foot-mark of Iḷā, offer worship here as Purohita to the gods.”
📚Rig Veda 1.185.5📚
”Going always together, equally young, and of the like termination, sisters, and kindred, and scenting the navel of the world, plural ced on their lap as its parents; defend us, Heaven and Earth, from great danger.”
📚Yajur Veda 11.76📚
”While on earth’s navel Agni is enkindled, we call, for ample increase of our riches, On Agni joying in the draught, much-lauded, worshipful; victor conquering in battle.”
📚Padma Purana 7.2.10-17📚
”At the centre of the earth he produced the great mountain (viz. Meru) with jewelled peaks…”
Earth has ends
📚Rig Veda 1.164.34📚
”I ask you, (instrumental tutor of the rite), what is the uttermost end of the earth; I ask you, where is the navel of the world. I ask you, what is the fecundating power of the rain-shedding steed; I ask you, what is the supreme heaven of (holy) speech.”
📚Rig Veda 7.83.3📚
”The ends of the earth are beheld laid waste…”
📚Rig Veda 8.25.18📚
”(Mitra is he) who has measured with his rays the limits of both heaven and earth…”
📚Atharva Veda 15.7.1📚
”He, having become moving majesty, went to the ends of the earth…”
📚Atharva Veda 20.88.1📚
”Him who with might hath propped earth’s ends…”
Earth has breasts
📚Atharva Veda 12.3.35📚
”On the earth’s breast stand firmly as supporter…”
📚Atharva Veda 12.1.10📚
”…May Earth pour out her milk for us, a mother unto me her son.”
📚Atharva Veda 14.2.70📚
”With all the milk that is in Earth I gird thee, with all the milk that Plants contain I dress thee.”
3. Earth is Propped/Supported
📚Yajur Veda 5.16📚
”pastures, fair to do men service. Both these worlds, Vishnu, hast thou stayed asunder, and firmly fixed the earth with pegs pegs around it.”
📚Rig Veda 8.41.10📚
”He who in his successive functions emits his bright rays or turns them dark, first made his residence (in the firmament), and as the unborn sun the sky, supports with the pillar (of the firmament) both heaven and earth; may all our adversaries perish.”
📚Rig Veda 9.89.6📚
”The prop of heaven, the support of earth— all beings (are) in his hands; may (Soma) the fountain (of desires) be possessed of horses for you (his) adorer; the filament of the sweet- flavoured (Soma) is purified for (the sake of winning) strength.”
📚Rig Veda 4.50.1📚
”The ancient sages, illustrious, intelligent, have plural ced before (them) the plural asing- tongued Brhaspati, who propped up by (his) strength the ends of the earth, and who abides with noise in the three regions.”
📚Rig Veda 9.74.2📚
”The supporter of heaven, the prop (of the earth), the Soma-juice who, widely spreading, filling (the vessels), flows in all directions- may he unite the two great worlds by his own strength; he has upheld them combined; (may he) the sage (bestow) food upon (his worshippers).”
📚Valmiki Ramayana 1.40.14-23📚
”Oh, Rama, the legatee of Raghu, that great easterly elephant Viruupaaksha is bearing the entire eastern earth along with its mountains and forests on its head. On certain occasions, oh, Rama of Kakutstha, when that great-elephant moves its head desiring respite in tiresomeness then earthquakes will occur on earth. They circumambulated the great elephant in supplication, oh Rama, and on worshipping that elephant which is the protector of easterly direction they proceeded to netherworld duly splitting the earth. After splitting the eastern direction then they split opened the southern direction, and even in southern direction they beheld an elephant that is similar to a very great mountain, and that is sustaining southerly side of earth on its head…Circumambulating that elephant namely Sumanasa in western side, and even on asking about its well-being, then they reached the northern direction duly digging the earth. In the northern direction, oh, Rama, they beheld Bhadra, a snow-white elephant with an auspicious body bearing northern side of this earth. On touching that elephant reverently and also circumambulating it, those sixty thousands sons of Sagara further burrowed to the surface of the earth.”
📚Vishnu Purana 2.5.20-25📚
”Śesha bears the entire world, like a diadem, upon his head, and he is the foundation on which the seven Pátálas rest. His power, his glory, his form, his nature, cannot be described, cannot he comprehended by the gods themselves. Who shall recount his might, who wears this whole earth, like a garland of flowers, tinged of a purple dye by the radiance of the jewels of his crests. When Ananta, his eyes rolling with intoxication, yawns, then earth, with all her woods, and mountains, and seas, and rivers, trembles…”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.20.39📚
”On the top of Lokāloka Mountain are the four gaja-patis, the best of elephants, which were established in the four directions by Lord Brahmā, the supreme spiritual master of the entire universe. The names of those elephants are Ṛṣabha, Puṣkaracūḍa, Vāmana and Aparājita. They are responsible for maintaining the planetary systems of the universe.”
📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 8.14.1-29📚
”…The self-born Brahmâ has placed very big elephants on all sides of it. Hear their names. These are Risabha, Puspachûda, Vâmana, and Aparâjita. These four elephants are said to hold all the Lokas in their respective positions. The Bhagavân Hari gives strength to these elephants and to Indra and others who are reckoned to be His Vibhûtis (powers)…”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.23.4📚
”Some persons describe this system of heavenly luminaries as being supported by the mystical Yogic powers of Lord Vasudeva who has assumed the form of a Gangetic porpoise.”
📚Mahabharata 3.202.12-13📚
”…then lay in Yoga sleep on the wide hood of the Snake Sesha of immeasurable energy, and the Creator of the Universe, that highly-blessed and holy Hari, knowing no deterioration, lay on the hood of that Snake encircling the whole Earth…”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.25.2📚
”Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: This great universe, situated on one of Lord Anantadeva’s thousands of hoods, appears just like a white mustard seed. It is infinitesimal compared to the hood of Lord Ananta.”
📚Mahabharata 1.36.17-25📚
”Then Sesha replied, ‘O divine Grandsire, this is the boon desired by me; viz., may my heart always delight in virtue and in blessed ascetic penances, O Lord of all!’ Brahman said, ‘O Sesha, I am exceedingly gratified with this thy self-denial and love of peace. But, at my command, let this act be done by thee for the good of my creatures. Bear thou, O Sesha, properly and well this Earth so unsteady with her mountains and forests, her seas and towns and retreats, so that she may be steady.’ Sesha said, ‘O divine Lord of all creatures, O bestower of boons, O lord of the Earth, lord of every created thing, lord of the universe, I will, even as thou sayest hold the Earth steady. Therefore, O lord of all creatures, place her on my head.’ Brahman said, ‘O best of snakes, go underneath the Earth. She will herself give thee a crevice to pass through. And, O Sesha, by holding the Earth, thou shalt certainly do what is prized by me very greatly…Then the elder brother of the king of the snakes, entering a hole, passed to the other side of the Earth, and holding her, supported with his head that goddess with her belt of seas passing all round.’ Brahman said, ‘O Sesha, O best of snakes, thou art the god Dharma, because alone, with thy huge body, thou supportest the Earth with everything on her, even as I myself, or Valavit (Indra), can…The snake, Sesha, the lord Ananta, of great prowess, lives underneath the Earth, alone supporting the world at the command of Brahman. And the illustrious Grandsire, the best of the immortals, then gave unto Ananta the bird of fair feathers, viz., the son of Vinata, for Ananta’s help.”
📚Mahabharata 13.14.151📚
”…Mahadeva is the soul of all creatures. He pervades all things. He is the speaker of all discourses (on duties and rituals)…He it is that assumes the form of Sesha who sustains the world on his head…”
4. Earth was established over the waters
📚Shatapatha Brahmana📚
”Then (earth) torn up by a boar (he takes), with (Vâg. S. XXXVII, 5), ‘Only thus large was she in the beginning,’–for, indeed, only so large was this earth in the beginning, of the size of a span. A boar, called Emûsha, raised her up, and he was her lord Pragâpati: with that mate, his heart’s delight, he thus supplies and completes him 1;–‘may I this day compass for you Makha’s head on the Earth’s place of divine worship: for Makha thee! for Makha’s head thee!’ the import of this is the same as before.”
📚Shiva Purana📚
”Then he lifted the Earth sunk under water and held it on his curved fangs. He rose up from the nether worlds.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.7📚
”Waters lie within the earth and the earth is established over waters. The sky is above, the earth is below (it) and again waters are underneath.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 1.5.10-15📚
”On seeing that the earth had sunk into the water he thought- ”What form shall I assume and uplift the earth?”…Assuming this inimitable form of a boar, Hari entered the nether worlds for uplifting the earth.”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 3.13.31📚
”Lord Boar very easily took the earth on His tusks and got it out of the water. Thus He appeared very splendid. Then, His anger glowing like the Sudarśana wheel, He immediately killed the demon [Hiraṇyākṣa], although he tried to fight with the Lord.”
📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 8.2.34-38📚
”…He came up from the Rasâtala and placed the earth on the waters. He then went away to His Vaikuntha abode…”
📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 8.2.11-20📚
”The ocean was very much agitated with the fierce striking of the hairs of the Boar, when He entered into the waters, and spoke thus :– “O Deva ! O Thou, the destroyer of the afflictions of your refuges! Protect me.” Hearing the words of the ocean, the God Hari tore asunder all the aquatic animals and went down beneath the waters. Searching violently hither and thither, He knew the earth by her smell. At once the Bhagavân Hari, the Lord of all, went to Her and rescued the earth by raising Her up on his big teeth, the Earth that was the abode of all the beings. When the Bhagavân, the Lord of all the sacrifices, came up with the Earth on the top of His teeth, He looked beautiful like the elephant of a quarter taking out by the root and holding a thousand petalled lotus upon his tusks.”
📚Vishnu Purana 1.4.45-48📚
”The supreme being thus eulogized, upholding the earth, raised it quickly, and placed it on the summit of the ocean, where it floats like a mighty vessel, and from its expansive surface does not sink beneath the waters. Then, having levelled the earth, the great eternal deity divided it into portions, by mountains…”
📚Vayu Purana 1.6.10-27📚
”Observing that the earth was overflowed with waters on all sides, (he thought to himself), ”Oh, what great form should I assume and uplift the earth”? He thought of the form of a Boar charmingly comfortable in sporting about in waters…It had a girth of ten and a height of a hundred Yojanas. It resembled a dark blue cloud in complexion. It grunted like the rumbling of thunder-clouds…Assuming this large immeasurable form of a boar, Visnu entered the nether regions in order to lift up the earth….Holding the Earth in his hands he brought it to its place. The supporter of the Earth at first mentally supported the earth and then released it. Over the flood of waters, the Earth floated like an immense boat. Due to the activities of the lord, it did not sink. With a desire to set up the universe, the lord lifted up the Earth. Then, he, the lotus-eyed lord, decided to divide the Earth. He levelled the Earth and created the mountains on it.”
5. How full Moon occurs
📚Vayu Purana 1.52.60-66📚
”Beginning with the second day in the dark half and ending with the fourteenth day Devas drink the watery wine, the nectar of the Moon that is essentially made up of water and that by nature consists of tasty essence. By the brilliance of the Sun the nectar is collected and prepared in the course of a fortnight. On the full moon night Devas, Pits and the sages attend the Moon facing the Sun. The digits being drunk decline gradually in the dark half and become refilled in the bright half. When days pass on gradually Devas drink the moon for half a month until the new moon day and go away. On the new moon day Pits resort to the Moon. When the fifteenth part of the digits is left over in the later part of the day, that part is used up by the groups of Pits. The remaining digit is drunk by Pits during the period of two Kalas. From the lunar rays the nectar of Svadha comes out on the new moon night. They drink the nectar and remain content for a month. They attain immortality.”
📚Matsya Purana 126.53-60📚
”…in the dark fortnight, the Moon wanes daily from the second day till the Chaturdasi tithi (the fourteenth day after the full Moon) when the Devas drink up the soft and excellent nectar of the Moon, sweet like honey and consisting of the essence of the watery juice. For half the month the nectar becomes stored up in the Moon by the Sun’s ray, so that the Devas would be able to drink it; and the quantity of this nectar becomes maximum on the full moon night when the Devas adore the Moon for another supply of the same, gathered from the Sun’s radiance in course of a fortnight.”
📚Matsya Purana 126.61-70📚
”From the beginning of the dark fortnight the Moon turns black, wanes and becomes dull; His digits decline owing to His nectar being drunk up day by day. 33330 Devas drink the lunar ambrosia. The Moon thus declines during the dark fortnight and waxes until He becomes complete in the bright fortnight. Thus, drinking the nectar, the Devas, at the end of the fortnight, go away elsewhere on the Amasvasya (dark) night when the Pitris come to Him. When the still small portion of the 15th part of the Moon is left, they drink that in the afternoon on the next day for a brief period of two Kalas and go away after the completion of this dark fortnight..”
📚Vishnu Purana 2.12.1-9📚
”The radiant sun supplies the moon, when reduced by the draughts of the gods to a single Kalá, with a single ray; and in the same proportion as the ruler of the night was exhausted by the celestials, it is replenished by the sun, the plunderer of the waters: for the gods, Maitreya, drink the nectar and ambrosia accumulated in the moon during half the month, and from this being their food they are immortal. Thirty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-three divinities drink the lunar ambrosia. When two digits remain, the moon enters the orbit of the sun, and abides in the ray called Amá; whence the period is termed Amávásya. In that orbit the moon is immersed for a day and night in the water; thence it enters the branches and shoots of the trees; and thence goes to the sun.”
6. Moon is larger than the Sun
📚Shrimad Bhagavatham 5.24.2📚
”The sun globe, which is a source of heat, extends for 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles]. The moon extends for 20,000 yojanas [160,000 miles], and Rāhu extends for 30,000 yojanas [240,000 miles].”
📚Vayu Purana 1.53.61-62📚
”The planets are brightly iluminated due to their contact with the rays of the Sun. The diameter of the Sun is nine thousand Yojanas. The girth of the Sun is three times its diameter. The width of the Moon is twice that of the Sun.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.63📚
”The extent of the sun is nine thousand Yojanas. The girth or the extent of its disc is thrice its diameter. The lunar disc is twice the solar disc (in diameter as well as girth).”
📚Matsya Purana 124.7-8📚
”The circumference of the sun is equal to the diameter of the Bharatavarsa (?). It is 9,000 yojnas in diameter and three times as much in circumference. The moon is twice as much bigger in circnmference and diameter than the sun.”
📚Linga Purana 1.61.28-29📚
”The diameter of the sun is nine thousand yojanas. The extent of its circular surface is three times that. The extent of the moon is twice that of the sun…”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.21.7-8📚
”The extent of the disc of the sun is nine thousand Yojanas. Its girth is three times the extent. In diameter as well as girth (Circumference), the moon is twice as much as the sun.”
7. Moon has its own light
📚Vayu Purana 1.51.20📚
”The hot rays emanate from the sun; the cool rays from the moon. These two powerful hot and cool rays sustain the universe.”
📚Linga Purana 1.56.3📚
”The moon traverses in his chariot along with Devas and Pits. It has white rays in the form of sparkling water particles.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.52.49📚
”The Moon too moves among the stars that stay in the pathway of heaven (vithi). The increase and decrease of its rays are similar to the increase and decrease of the Sun.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.23.52📚
”…The shrinking and lengthening of its rays are remembered as being like those of the sun.”
8. Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are made of water
📚Matsya Purana 126.48📚
”The Moon has been born from waters along with his chariot, horses and the charioteer. The chariot is decorated with fine garlands and yoked with excellent while horses, rests on three wheels.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.53.84-87📚
”Thus the abodes and their resident deities are mentioned. The abode of the thousand-rayed Sun is full of fire and sparkling. The abode of the thousand-rayed Moon is full’ of water and sparkling white. The abode of the five-rayed charming planet Budha is dark in colour. The abode of the sixteen-rayed Venus is full of water. The abode of the nine-rayed Mars is full of water and red in colour. The abode of the twelve-rayed Brhaspati is green. It is full of water. The abode of the light-rayed Saturn is dark in colour. It is full of water.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.53.57📚
”The orb of the Moon is of solid water and the orb of the Sun is of solid refulgence”
📚Linga Purana 1.52.3📚
”The storehouse of water in the sky which is called Soma (moon) is the support of all living beings. To Devas, it is the receptacle of nectar.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.23.64-65📚
”From the second day of the dark half to the fourteenth day, the Devas imbibe the nectar of the moon that is of the nature of the essence of the waters and that is wholly juicy. Drinking this liquid nectar of the moon, the Devas become delighted. It is due to the splendour of the sun that, this nectarine juice has been collected together in the course of half a month.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.23.53📚
”It should be known that the chariot of the moon has three wheels with horses on either side. The chariot is born (i.e. evolved) out of the womb of the waters along with the horses and the charioteer.”
9. Orbits of different celestial objects
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.24.121-125📚
”The Mercury orbits above all the stars. The Venus orbits above the Mercury. The Mars does so above the Venus and the Jupiter above the Mars. The Saturn is above it and the sphere of the seven sages (Great Bear) is above it. Dhruva (the Pole Star) is situated above the Great Bear. The intervening distance between the stars and the planets high above is two hundred thousand Yojanas. The planets, the moon and the sun orbit in the firmament with divine splendour. In their regular movement, they duly come into contact with the constellations. The planets, the stars and the sun may be low, high or straight during their mutual contact or when separate, yet they look at the subjects simultaneously.”
📚Matsya Purana 128.71-73📚
”The Sun moves lowest down of all the planets. Above Him the Moon travels. The stars travel above the Moon; above Moon, travels Mercury; above Mercury, travels Venus; above Venus, travels Mars; above Mars, travels Jupiter; above Jupiter, travels Saturn.”
10. Planets and Stars are propelled by wind
📚Matsya Purana 127.14📚
”All these stars are tied to Dhruva: and they move on propelled by the wind. The Moon and the Sun move on in the celestial firmament, prompted by currents of strong wind. They glide on tied to the Dhruva. Their motions round the pole are brought about by these ropes made of wind.”
📚Linga Purana 1.57.7📚
”The stars and the luminaries, urged by the circular gusts of wind, move like fire brands. Since the wind bears the luminaries, it is called Pravaha.”
11. Size of the Earth
Size of the Earth according to Science –
Diameter – 24,901 miles
Circumference (As for the Equator) – 7917.5 miles
Size of the Earth according to Hinduism – 4000000000 miles (50 Crore Yojanas) (Incorrect by both perspectives – Diameter and Circumference)
📚Shiva Purana 1.12.2📚
”The Earth, fifty crores of yojanas in extent, abounding in mountains and forests, supports the people at the bidding of Śiva.”
📚Matsya Purana 124.12📚
”The Divyas are similar to the Sampratas in their entire distribution. The complete magnitude of the earth is 50 core (yojanas).”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.21.12📚
”The entire Earth is remembered as fifty crores (of Yojanas) in extent.”
12. Solar eclipse is caused by a demon
According to Vedic mythology, a demon obscures the Sun which causes solar eclipse,
📚Rig Veda 5.40.5-6📚
”O Sūrya, when the Asura’s descendant Svarbhanu, pierced thee through and through with darkness, All creatures looked like one who is bewildered, who knoweth not the place where he is standing. What time thou smotest down Svarbhanu’s magic that spread itself beneath the sky, O Indra, By his fourth sacred prayer Atri disoovered Sūrya concealed in gloom that stayed his function.”
📚Devi Bhagavatam Purana 8.18.1-9📚
”…The Asura Râhu thus covers his rays. So the sphere of the Moon extends upto the twelve thousand Yoyanas. Râhu covers the field of the thirteen thousand Yoyanas. So he covers both the Sun and the Moon. Desire to take the vengeance of the previous enmity, he covers them during the time of Parva (the festivals). This planet wants to cover them from a distance. Hearing this, the Bhagavân Visnu hurls His Sudars’an Chakra against Râhu. This Chakra (disc) is encircled with the fiery flames and is very terrible. When all the quarters were filled with its violent flames, Râhu became instantly alarmed and fled away from the distance. O Devarsi! This is known as the eclipse known amongst the mortals…”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.24.1-3📚
”Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear King, some historians, the speakers of the Purāṇas, say that 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles] below the sun is the planet known as Rāhu, which moves like one of the stars. The presiding deity of that planet, who is the son of Siṁhikā, is the most abominable of all asuras, but although he is completely unfit to assume the position of a demigod or planetary deity, he has achieved that position by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Later I shall speak further about him. Rāhu tried to create dissension between the sun and moon by interposing himself between them. Rāhu is inimical toward both the sun and the moon, and therefore he always tries to cover the sunshine and moonshine on the dark-moon day and full-moon night…After hearing from the sun and moon demigods about Rāhu’s attack, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, engages His disc, known as the Sudarśana cakra, to protect them. The Sudarśana cakra is the Lord’s most beloved devotee and is favored by the Lord. The intense heat of its effulgence, meant for killing non-Vaiṣṇavas, is unbearable to Rāhu, and he therefore flees in fear of it. During the time Rāhu disturbs the sun or moon, there occurs what people commonly know as an eclipse.”
13. Speed at which the Sun travels
Speed of the Sun according to Science – 125 to 140 miles/second
Speed of the Sun according to Hinduism – 8805 miles/second
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.21.10📚
”When the sun travels from Devadhani, the residence of Indra, to Samyamani, the residence of Yamaraja, it travels 23,775,000 yojanas [190,200,000 miles] in fifteen ghatikas [six hours].”
14. Speed of celestial objects
Speed of different planets, the Sun and the Moon (in miles/hour), according to Science –
Saturn – 21,675 miles/hour, Jupiter – 29,236 miles/hour, Mars – 53,979 miles/hour, Sun – 514,000 miles/hour, Moon – 2,237 miles/hour, Mercury – 106,173 miles/hour, Venus – 78,337 miles/hour.
So according to the speeds of different celestial object: We get,
Moon < Saturn < Venus < Jupiter < Mars < Mercury < Sun
But according to Hinduism, the speeds of different celestial object:
Saturn = Jupiter = Mars «< Sun = Moon = Mercury = Venus
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.24.110-111📚
”Three planets among them which orbit very far away and above all are the Saturn, the Jupiter and the Mars. It should be known that they orbit very slowly. The great planets beneath them are the four fast moving ones, viz. the sun, the moon, the Mercury and the Venus.”
15. Earth is immovable
📚Atharva Veda 6.44.1📚
”The solar region is firm and undisturbed it stands. The earth stands firm and still, undisturbed. This entire cosmos is firm and undisturbed. The high standing trees, dreaming and sleeping, stand still. Let this malady too stand still, it must not aggravate.”
📚Rig Veda 10.173.4📚
”Firm is heaven, firm is the earth, firm are these mountains. Firm is this universe which is ever on the move, steadily and balanced at the optimum. Firm is this ruler of the people, steady, dynamic with optimum balance of constant movement.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 3.52.8📚
”The earth overwhelmed by the ocean began to quake though its name is Acalā (immovable). There was a break and hindrance in the penance and abstract meditation of the ascetics.”
📚Mahabharata 13.62.2📚
”Bhishma said, ‘Of all kinds of gifts, the gift of earth has been said to be the first (in point of merit). Earth is immovable and indestructible…”
📚Vamana Purana 8.26📚
”I bow down to the Worshipful Lord Visnu who raised the immovable earth with one single tusk, who sustains everything, and who sleeps absorbing the entire universe in Him.”
📚Mahabharata 5.76.7-8📚
”Behold, O Krishna, these the firmament and the earth which are immovable, immense, and infinite, and which are the refuge of, and in which are born these countless creatures.”
16. List of the 9 planets according to Hinduism
📚Agni Purana 164.2-3📚
”Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rāhu and Ketu (the ascending and descending nodes of Moon referred to as planets) are known to be planets. (The images of) these planets should be made of copper, crystal, red sandal, gold, silver, iron and lead respectively.”
17. The Heavens are supported by pillars
📚Rig Veda 6.72.2📚
”Indra and Soma, you have led on the dawns; you have upraised the sun with his splendour, you have propped up the sky with he supporting pillar (of the firmament); you have spread out the earth, the mother (of all).”
📚Rig Veda 6.47.5📚
”He found the wavy sea of brilliant colours in forefront of the Dawns who dwell in brightness. This Mighty One, the Steer begirt by Maruts, hath propped the heavens up with a mighty pillar.”
📚Rig Veda 8.41.10📚
”He who in his successive functions emits his bright rays or turns them dark, first made his residence (inthe firmament), and as the unborn sun the sky, supports with the pillar (of the firmament) both heaven and earth;may all our adversaries perish.”
📚Rig Veda 9.89.6📚
”The prop of heaven, the support of earth– all beings (are) in his hands; may (Soma) the fountain (of desires) be possessed of horses for you (his) adorer; the filament of the sweet-flavoured (Soma) is purified for (the sake of winning) strength.”
📚Rig Veda 9.74.2📚
”A far-extended pillar that supports the sky the Soma-stalk, filled full, moves itself every way. He shall bring both these great worlds while the rite proceeds: the Sage holds these who move! together and all food.”
📚Shatapatha Brahmana📚
”He then makes (the sacrificer) say, after touching (the Soma), ‘The bull hath propped the sky, the welkin.’ For, when the gods were spreading the sacrifice, they were afraid of an attack on the part of the Asura-Rakshas. Now by what he says, ‘The bull hath propped the sky, the welkin…”
18. The imaginary Mount Meru
📚Padma Purana 7.2.10-17📚
”At the centre of the earth he produced the great mountain (viz. Meru) with jewelled peaks and bright like gold for the residence of the deities.”
📚Agni Purana 212.33-35📚
”The Meru of grains (should be) five khāri (a measure equal to 15 droṇas) and the other (mountains) of one khāri each. All should have golden peaks (denoting lords) Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśvara. One would acquire special benefit by worshipping lord Viṣṇu in all of them. One should set up a Meru of sesamum in the same way measuring ten parts. The peaks should be as before for that (mountain) and other mountains. One who makes a gift of a Meru of sesamum would reach the world ofViṣṇu together with his relatives. “Obeisance to the form of Viṣṇu. Obeisance to (the mountain) Dharādhara. (Obeisance) to one having lords Brahma, Viṣṇu and Īśa on the peaks, to one remaining at the navel of the earth, to the lord of twelve mountains, to the destroyer of all sins, to the devotee of lord Viṣṇu and to the calm person.”
📚Harivamsha Purana 3.31.2-4📚
”The Lord then thought of making divisions of the earth. He then thought of the height of mountains, the courses of rivers and their sizes, small or less. Having divided the earth into four continents like unto four petals of a lotus and separated the oceans he created the golden mountain Meru.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.21.13-16📚
”Its situation from an upword measure (?)is as far as the Meru. Half the extent of the earth is stated in terms of Yojanas. The extent of the earth towards all the sides (quarters) from the middle of the Meru is remembered as one crore and eighty-nine lakhs (of Yojanas) and fifty thousand.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.34.46📚
”The four famous great continents are stationed on the petals. The powerful Meru is stationed on the pericarp.”
📚Vayu Purana 2.39.131📚
”The Meru mountain is a hundred thousand Yojanas high. The distance between planets above the stellar zone is twice this (height) and they are one above the other.”
19. Mountain had wings
📚Valmiki Ramayana 5.1.123-125📚
”O son! Earlier in the Krita yuga, mountains had wings. With speed equal to that of Garuda and Vayu, they went in all directions. After that when those mountains were thus flying freely, Devas and living creatures together with sages obtained fear in the doubt that those mountains might fall down. Then the angry Devendra who performed a hundred Asvamedha rituals, cut off the wings of thousands of mountains by his weapon vajra then and there.”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 8.11.34📚
”Indra thought: Formerly, when many mountains flying in the sky with wings would fall to the ground and kill people, I cut their wings with this same thunderbolt.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.51.38📚
”The wings of the powerful mountains who could go as per their will and pleasure, had grown very large. Indra cut them off for the (welfare of all) living beings.”
📚Harivamsha Purana 3.34.1📚
”Vaishampayana said:—Once on a time influenced by the Lord’s Maya all the winged mountains, the upholders of the Earth, left it.”
📚Matsya Purana 125.10-17📚
”…The clouds Puskarabartaka have been born from the wings (of the mountains). These wings are named Puskara and hold a huge volume of water hence these clouds are known as Puskaravarta. The valiant Indra cut down the wings of the mountains that used to fly at their will and cause ruin and destruction to the rising generation (of the universe)…”
📚Linga Purana 1.54.46-48📚
”…The origin of the third type of clouds is from the wings of mountains chopped off by Indra.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.22.41📚
”The wings of very powerful mountains that had increased in size and who used to go wherever as they pleased, were chopped off by Indra who wished to secure the welfare of all living beings.”
20. Moon travels faster than the Sun
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.8📚
”Above the rays of the sunshine by a distance of 100,000 yojanas [800,000 miles] is the moon, which travels at a speed faster than that of the sun. In two lunar fortnights the moon travels through the equivalent of a saṁvatsara of the sun, in two and a quarter days it passes through a month of the sun, and in one day it passes through a fortnight of the sun.”
21. The Sky (Heaven) can fall on us
📚Rig Veda 2.17.5📚
”By his strength, he fixed the wandering mountains; he directed the downward course of the waters; he upheld the earth, the nurse (of all creatures); and by his craft he stopped the heaven from falling.”
22. The Stars originated from the Sun
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.24.46📚
”All these, viz. the moon, the stars and the planets should be known as originating from the sun. The moon is the lord of all stars and the sun is the king of planets.”
📚Linga Purana 1.59.41-45📚
”It should be known that the moon, stars and planets are all born of the sun…”
23. The Sun revolves around the Earth
📚Shatapatha Brahmana📚
”…having once revolved round these worlds, that sun would not pass by them. Let him lay down the two last alongside the two first by reaching over them: he thus causes that sun to pass by these worlds; and hence that sun revolves incessantly round these worlds again and again (from left) to right.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.21.87-88📚
”Everyday the sun traverses those (zones) in due order. Just as the outer rim of the potter’s wheel comes back quickly (i.e. revolves), so also the sun functions quickly during his Southern transit. Hence, he traverses a major portion of the Earth in the course of a shorter period.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.23.44-45📚
”Thus the sun traverses the quarters by means of his swift chariot with one wheel. The horses are splendid but they do not have the usual pace (? Akramaiḥ). In the course of a day and night, the sun traverses the earth consisting of the seven continents and oceans by means of his chariot with a single wheel.”
📚Matsya Purana 126.41-46📚
”The Sun in course of one single day and night goes swiftly over the world consisting of the seven oceans and the seven islands, seating in His one-wheeled chariot and drawn by seven horses. The seven horses yoked to the Sun’s chariot are no other than the seven chhandas metres); they can assume forms at their will; they go as they like…Ascending on such a chariot the Sun travels the earth in course of one day (24 hours.) The horses were yoked at the beginning of Kalpa and carry on the Sun toll the end of the Great Dissolution (Maha Pralaya). Thus He goes on round and round, day and night, surrounded by the Valakhillya Munis…”
📚Vayu Purana 1.52.43-44📚
”Thus the Sun moves ahead quickly in his celestial sphere by means of his single-wheeled chariot dragged by the unimpaired gentle horses. In the course of a day and night he traverses over the world of seven continents and oceans by means of his single wheeled chariot dragged by the seven horses.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.142📚
”Within a short time, therefore, the sun traverses the extensive earth. Within twelve Muhurtas it traverses quickly from the south to the north.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.119-121📚
”When the sun passes through the middle of the sky, it traverses one thirtieth of the diameter of the earth in a Muhurta (forty eight minutes). In regard to the distance traversed in Yojanas, know that it is three million one hundred and fifty thousand in full. This is the distance traverses by the sun in one Muhurta.”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.22.7📚
”The sun-god has three speeds — slow, fast and moderate. The time he takes to travel entirely around the spheres of heaven, earth and space at these three speeds is referred to, by learned scholars, by the five names Saṁvatsara, Parivatsara, Iḍāvatsara, Anuvatsara and Vatsara.”
📚Varaha Purana 26.8📚
”From its lustre arose twelve suns, and the principal one among these now revolves round the world.”
📚Matsya Purana 124.40-60📚
”The sun appears high (on the horizon) when He reaches the centre of Puskaradvipa. He travels over the 1/30th of the world in one muhurta (a period of 48 minutes)…He covers the whole circumference of the earth, 9,45,00,000 yojanas, in course of a day and night…”
📚Mahabharata 6.6.7-16📚
”…This (the land where we are) is in the Varsha that is called after Bharata…Besides Meru are situated, O lord, these four islands, viz., Bhadraswa, and Ketumala, and Jamvudwipa otherwise called Bharata, and Uttar-Kuru…The foremost of luminaries, the sun, always circumambulates Meru, as also the moon with (his) attendant constellation, and the Wind-god too…”
📚Atharva Veda 13.2.6📚
”Hail to thy rapid car whereon, O Sūrya, thou circlest in a moment both the limits.”
📚Atharva Veda 13.2.44📚
”The suppliant’s way, filling the earth, the Mighty circleth the world with eye that none deceiveth. May he, all-seeing, well-disposed and holy, give ear and listen to the word I utter.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.60📚
”Revolving all round, the Sun illuminates and protects the three worlds. Hence on account of illumination and protection, he is called ‘Ravi’. The root av means ‘illumination’ (and protection).”
24. The Sun causes wind
📚Vayu Purana 1.51.53📚
”The wind starts from the planet sun and traverses the entire stellar zone. At the end of the day it enters the sun encompassed by Dhruva.”
25. Distance between Earth & Moon > Distance between Earth & Sun
According to Science –
Distance between Earth and Sun – 152,000,000 miles
Distance between Earth and Moon – 238,800 miles
According to Hinduism –
- The distance between Earth & Moon > The distance between Earth & Sun
📚Vayu Purana 1.53.95-96📚
”When the Sun is stationed in the southern path, he moves beneath the planets. Making his orb extensive, the Moon traverses the orbit above (the Sun). The entire multitude of stars moves above the Moon.”
26. The Sun and Moon dipping in water
📚Rig Veda 7.55.7📚
”The Bull who hath a thousand horns, who rises up from out the sea— By him the Strong and Mighty One we lull and make the people sleep.”
📚Atharva Veda 4.5.1📚
”The Bull who hath a thousand horns, who rises up from out the sea By him the strong and mighty one we lull the folk to rest and sleep.”
📚Atharva Veda 13.2.4📚
”Victorious, inspired, and brightly shining, whom seven strong tawny-coloured coursers carry, Whom Atri lifted from the flood to heaven, thus men behold thee as thy course thou runnest.”
📚Kausitaki Brahmana 18.9📚
”Him who yonder gives heat they seek by these pressings to obtain; the rising by the morning pressing, (the sun) in the middle (of his course) by the midday pressing, (the sun) as he sets by the third pressing. He, having entered the waters, becomes Varuna.”
📚Aitareya Brahmana 4.20.13📚
”…This (Aditya, the sun) is ‘the swan sitting in light’…he is ‘born from the waters’ (abja), for in the morning he comes out of the waters, and in the evening he enters the waters.”
📚Rig Veda 10.72.7📚
”When, O ye Gods, like Yatis, ye caused all existing things to grow, Then ye brought Sūrya forward who was lying hidden in the sea.”
📚Atharva Veda 7.81.1📚
”Forward and backward by their wondrous power move these two youths, disporting, round the ocean…”
📚Vishnu Purana 2.12.8-9📚
”whence the period is termed Amávásya. In that orbit the moon is immersed for a day and night in the water; thence it enters the branches and shoots of the trees; and thence goes to the sun.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.50.112-113📚
”When the sun sets, the brilliance of the sun partially enters fire. Hence fire shines more brilliantly at night, even from a distance. When the sun rises again, the brilliance of fire enters the sun. The sun rises again, the brilliance of fire enters the sun. This together with the brillaince left in the sun at the time of sunset, makes it all the more brilliant. So the sun blazes during the day.”
27. How were Gold and Silver formed
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 8.12.32-33📚
”Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Śiva followed the beautiful woman and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain. O King, wheresoever on the surface of the globe fell the semen of the great personality of Lord Śiva, mines of gold and silver later appeared.”
28. Moon orbits on water
📚Atharva Veda 18.4.89📚
”Within the waters runs the Moon…”
29. The Sun and Moon causes rain
📚Linga Purana 1.54.29-33📚
”…The waters drunk by the sun penetrate the moon gradually and from the moon they drip down to the clouds. On being tossed about by the wind, the cluster of clouds causes shower on the earth…”
📚Vayu Purana 1.51.14-15📚
”The water drunk in by the sun gets transferred to the moon from the solar fire. Through the Nadis (tubular veins) full of wind the activity of sustaining the worlds begins. What exudes from the moon; the sun receives at its tips. When the wind blows the clouds let it shower on the earth.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.22.13-20📚
”…the sun takes away the water of the entire world, O excellent Brahmanas. The moon transmits the entire water drunk by the sun. The torrential currents of water (Downpour of rain) functions through Nadis (vein like vessels) accompanied by the wind. The water that oozes out of the moon remains in the food (i.e. plants and food crops). The water that has fallen down from the moon, from the sky, is conducive to the welfare of all the worlds. The entire universe has the moon as its support. This has been truthfully recounted. The Usna (hot virility) oozes out of the sun, and the Sita (chill virility) functions from the moon.”
📚Aitareya Brahmana 8.28📚
”From the moon the rain is born….From rain lightning is born.”
📚Vishnu Purana 2.9.8-18📚
”…The sun with his scorching rays absorbs the moisture of the earth, and with them nourishes the moon. The moon communicates, through tubes of air, its dews to the clouds, which, being composed of smoke, fire, and wind (or vapour), can retain the waters with which they are charged: they are therefore called Abhras, because their contents are not dispersed When however they are broken to pieces by the wind, then watery stores descend, bland, and freed front every impurity by the sweetening process of time…”
📚Linga Purana 1.54.65-68📚
”There is neither increase nor decrease of water, if we consider it duly. The wind presided over by Dhruva withdraws the rain. It falls off the planet sun and spreads through the sphere of the stars. At the close of the movement, it re-enters the sun and is presided over by Dhruva.”
30. The Sun and the Moon move in a chariot pulled by horses
📚Rig Veda 1.50.8📚
”Seven Bay Steeds harnessed to thy car bear thee, O thou farseeing One, God, Sūrya, with the radiant hair.”
📚Mahabharata 13.158.20-22📚
”…the sun possessed of a thousand rays… He it is that constitutes the wheel of the year, having three naves and seven horses to drag it…He is the sun, the dispeller of all darkness.”
📚Shrimad Bhagavatam 5.21.12-1📚
”Thus the chariot of the sun-god, which is trayimaya, or worshiped by the words om bhur bhuvah svah, travels through the four residences…My dear King, the carriage of the sun-god’s chariot is estimated to be 3,600,000 yojanas [28,800,000 miles] long and one-fourth as wide [900,000 yojanas, or 7,200,000 miles]. The chariot’s horses, which are named after Gayatri and other Vedic meters, are harnessed by Arunadeva to a yoke that is also 900,000 yojanas wide. This chariot continuously carries the sun-god. Although Arunadeva sits in front of the sun-god and is engaged in driving the chariot and controlling the horses, he looks backward toward the sun-god…My dear King, in his orbit through Bhu-mandala [Earth], the sun-god traverses a distance of 95,100,000 yojanas [760,800,000 miles] at the speed of 2,000 yojanas and two krosas [16,004 miles] in a moment.”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.23.50📚
”…The lord of the day (i.e. the sun) thus revolves and wanders by means of horses that gallop and that are as swift as birds.”
📚Linga Purana 1.55.81-82📚
”Thus the sun, the harbinger of the day moves ahead quickly in a single wheeled chariot drawn by seven green imperishable horses. He whirls day and night in his chariot which has a single wheel. He traverses in heaven over the seven continents and oceans with the help of seven groups.”
📚Devi Bhagavatham Purana 8.15.40-45📚
”…The seat of the Sun on his chariot measures 36 Lakh Yoyanas wide. The Yuga measures in length one fourth of the above dimensions, that of his seat. The Chariot is moved by seven horses, consisting of the seven Chhandas, Gâyatrî, etc., driven by Aruna. The horses carry the Sun for the happiness of all. Though the charioteer sits in front of the Sun, his face is turned towards the west. He does his work as a charioteer in that state…”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.23.50-51📚
”He is served by Gandharvas and groups of celestial damsels by means of sons and dances. The lord of the day (i.e. the sun) thus revolves and wanders by means of horses that gallop and that are as swift as birds. The chariot of Soma (the Moon) has three wheels. His horses have the lustre of Kunda (white jasmine) flowers. They are ten in number and they are yoked to the left as well as to the right. The moon traverses by means of this.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.52.50-51📚
”The chariot of the Moon has three wheels. The horses are tied in pairs on either side. The chariot along with the horses and the charioteer has come out of the womb of the waters. The three wheels have a hundred spokes. Excellent white horses have been yoked thereto. They are ten in number. They are slender and divine. They are unimpeded and have the velocity of the mind. They are yoked but once (in the beginning of the Kalpa) and they travels till the end of the Yugas.”
31. Sea length between India and Sri Lanka
Actual Sea length between India and Sri Lanka – 11.3 miles
According to Valmiki Ramayana – 800 miles
(1 Yojana = 8 miles)
📚Valmiki Ramayana 5.51.15📚
”I am, however, an own son of wind-god and named as Hanuma. I came here even by crossing quickly the ocean, which is a hundred yojanas (or eight hundred miles) wide for the sake of Seetha and wishing to see her.”
32. Animals used to walk on two feet
📚Shatapatha Brahmana📚
”There are both an animal and a sacrificial stake, for never do they immolate an animal without a stake. And as to why this is so:–well, animals did not at first submit thereto that they should become food, as they are now become food; for just as man here walks two-footed and erect, so did they walk two-footed and erect. Then the gods perceived that thunderbolt, to wit, the sacrificial stake; they raised it, and from fear thereof they (the animals) shrunk together and thus became four-footed, and thus became food, as they are now become food, for they submitted thereto: wherefore they immolate the animal only at a stake and never without a stake.”
33. What causes hoarfrost?
📚Vayu Purana 1.51.45-47📚
”During Hemanta (early winter) Parjanya and the elephants of the quarters born of chilliness shower snow (drops) for making the corn flourish…The elephants of the quarters spray all round drops of water from the Ganga by means of their huge trunks. That (spray of water) is called the hoarfrost.”
📚Vishnu Purana 2.9.16-18📚
”the water, although that of the Gangá of the sky, is scattered, by the elephants of the quarters, not by the rays of the sun: it is only when such rain falls, and the sun is in the even asterisms, that it is distributed by his beams”
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.22.47-52a📚
”Smoke is conducive to development of all of them without any distinction. The most excellent among them is Parjanya. The Elephants of the quarters are four in number (Although) these are separate, the source of origin of elephants, mountains, clouds and serpents is the same and water is remembered as that origin. On being directed to make the plants and trees flourish, Parjanya and the Diggajas (Elephants of the quarters) showers snowdrops during Hemanta (early winter), born of cool virility. …With their huge trunks, the elephants of the quarters receive the waters oozing from the Ganga and scatter them in the form of water spray. That is remembered as dew drops.”
34. The Sun emits different rays that cause seasonal changes
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.24.32-33📚
”During Vasanta (spring) and Grisma (summer), the sun blazes by means of three hundred rays. During the rainy season and autumn he showers (rain) by means of four hundred rays. During Hemanta (early winter) and Sisira (later winter), he scatters snow by means of three hundred rays.”
📚Linga Purana 1.59.41-45📚
”…The thousand rays of the sun serve the purpose of the world. Reaching the earth they assume different forms by emitting snow, rain and heat…”
📚Vayu Purana 1.52.36📚
”In accordance with the seasons, the Sun changes his rays, releasing heat in the summer, mist and fog in the winter and rain during the rainy season and demarcates day and night. He (thus) propitiates Devas, Pitrs and human beings.”
📚Vayu Purana 1.53.25-27📚
”During the spring and the summer he blazes with the three hundred rays. During rains and autumn he generates rain by the four (hundred rays). The Sun creates mist and fog by means of the three (hundred rays) during early and late winter. He deposits energy on the medicinal herbs. By means of Svadha he propitiates Pitrs. By means of nectar of three varieties he bestows immorality. Thus thousand rays of the Sun achieve the purpose of the worlds. They differ according to the season by exuding water, chilliness and heat.”
📚Linga Purana 1.59.31a-31b📚
”During spring and summer the sun blazes by his three hundred rays. During the rainy season and Autumn he showers rains through the four hundred tubular rays. During the early and the late winter he discharges snow through his three hundred rays.”
📚Matsya Purana 128.24-25📚
”During spring and hot weather the sun imparts heat by his three hundred rays; during the rainy season and autumn causes rain by his four hundred rays; during the dewy and winter season imparts cold by his three hundred rays.”
Brahmanda Purana also says that Sun moves in medium speed to make day and night equal in Autumn and Spring seasons,
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.21.142📚
”During the time in between the Autumn and the Spring, the sun proceeds with a medium speed and he resorts to its eastern peak.”
35. What causes Earthquakes?
According to the Valmiki Ramayana, it is believed that the earth is supported by four mighty elephants, and any movement in the trunk of the easterly elephant, Viruupaaksha, is said to cause tremors and earthquakes on our planet,
📚Valmiki Ramayana 1.40.13-22📚
”While digging the earth there they beheld a mountain similar easterly elephant named Viruupaaksha, which is bearing the eastern side of earth’s surface on its head. Oh, Rama, the legatee of Raghu, that great easterly elephant Viruupaaksha is bearing the entire eastern earth along with its mountains and forests on its head. On certain occasions, oh, Rama of Kakutstha, when that great-elephant moves its head desiring respite in tiresomeness then earthquakes will occur on earth. After splitting the eastern direction then they split opened the southern direction, and even in southern direction they beheld an elephant that is similar to a very great mountain, and that is sustaining southerly side of earth on its head, and on seeing that mammoth elephant of venerable character, namely Mahapadma, they went into an inordinate astonishment. Even in the westerly direction those great mighty sons of Sagara beheld an infinite and mountain similar elephant of western direction, called Sumanasa. In the northern direction, oh, Rama, they beheld Bhadra, a snow-white elephant with an auspicious body bearing northern side of this earth.”
In addition to the Valmiki Ramayana, Varahamihira, an esteemed 6th-century Indian astronomer, also extensively documented this concept,
📚Brihatsamhita 32.1📚
”Some hold that an earth-quake is caused by huge animals living in the midst of the ocean, while others opine that it is the result of the rest that is availed of by the elephants of the quarters tired by the weight of the earth.”
According to the Vishnu Purana, it is believed that Vishnu, manifested as the divine serpent named Shesha, upholds the entire world, and the Earth trembles (Earthquakes) when he yawns,
📚Vishnu Purana 2.5.20-25📚
”…Śesha bears the entire world, like a diadem, upon his head, and he is the foundation on which the seven Pátálas rest. His power, his glory, his form, his nature, cannot be described, cannot he comprehended by the gods themselves. Who shall recount his might, who wears this whole earth, like a garland of flowers, tinged of a purple dye by the radiance of the jewels of his crests. When Ananta, his eyes rolling with intoxication, yawns, then earth, with all her woods, and mountains, and seas, and rivers, trembles…”
According to the Shiva Purana, earthquakes are believed to occur when Shesha stretches itself, causing the Earth to tremble and quake in response,
📚Shiva Purana 5.15.18-21📚
”Holding the sphere of the earth on his back, Sesa, the lord of Bhutas stands at the root of Patala. He is worshipped for his endless attributes. The power of his virility cannot be adequately described even by the ambitious gods nor can his form be known…With his eyes rolling due to inebriation when Sesa stretches himself, the earth quakes along with all its mountains, oceans and forests.”
36. How were mountains formed?
📚Brahmanda Purana 2.7.9b-11📚
”As the previous creation was being burned formerly by the Samvartaka fire, the mountains of that period had been melted by that fire. They were then scattered by the wind. Due to chillness, they became solidified. Wherever the (molten rocks) were split there arose mountain. They are called Acalas (not-moving or immobile)…”
📚Vayu Purana 1.8.7-11📚
”On seeing the earth fully engulfed in waters, he entered the waters after assuming the form of a Boar. After lifting up the earth from the waters, he deposited the waters of the oceans in the oceans, of the rivers in the rivers and of the earth on the earth. Then he collected the mountains. When the previous creation was being burnt by the Samvartaka, fire of dissolution, the mountains lay destroyed and (scattered) all over the earth. In that one vast ocean, the (solidified) waters tossed by wind got collected together due to cold. Wherever they were (thus) stuck (heaped) together, there they became immovable. The mountains are called Acalas because they become motionless after being dried up and solidified…”
37. What are Stars?
Virtuous men become stars,
📚Krishna Yajur Veda📚
”…these are the lights of the sky; verily he wins them; the Naksatras are the lights of the doers of good deeds…”
📚Shatapatha Brahmana📚
”May the divine women, with unclipped wings, dear to all the gods, bake thee, Aṅgiras-like, O fire-pan, in the lap of the earth!’ for of old the divine women, with unclipped wings, dear to all the gods, did bake it, like Aṅgiras, in the lap of the earth; and with their help he now bakes it. But, surely, these are the stars,–the women (gani) are indeed the stars, for these are the lights of those righteous men (gana) who go to the celestial world: it is by means of the stars that he thus bakes it.”